安装 Realtek-8111B网卡 (Linux驱动)

安装 Realtek-8111B网卡 (Linux驱动)


# tar vjxf r8168-8.aaa.bb.tar.bz2  (解压)

    Change to the directory:
# cd r8168-8.aaa.bb    (进去)

    If you are running the target kernel, then you should be able to do :

# make clean modules    (清除临时模块,我自己猜的)
# make install          (安装)
# depmod -a             (更新关联)
# insmod ./src/r8168.ko (手动加载模块)(or r8168.o in linux kernel 2.4.x)

    You can check whether the driver is loaded by using following commands.

  # lsmod | grep r8168   (查询加载的模块中有没有R8168)
  # ifconfig -a          (查询网卡起来没得)

