最近有个需求,公司需要搭建一个预发布环境出来, 需要把生产中的AD用户导出至预发布环境中,刚开始准备用csvde导出导入,后来干脆使用PowerShell,下面是针对某一个OU下的用户进行复制到另外一个域中并启用账户统一设定密码,再次感谢朋友费Sir同我一起测试到深夜
$oucsv = 'C:\Users\sys_robin\OUexportWuliu.csv' Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -SearchBase 'OU=物流中心,DC=corp,DC=viplab,DC=com' -Filter * -Properties * | select name,distinguishedName | export-csv $oucsv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
import-module activedirectory $OldDom = 'DC=corp,DC=viplab,DC=com' $NewDom = 'DC=corp,DC=demo,DC=com' $oucsv = 'c:\OUexportWuliu.csv' $success = 0 $failed = 0 $oulist = Import-Csv $oucsv $oulist | foreach { $outemp = $_.Distinguishedname -replace $OldDom,$NewDom #need to split ouTemp and lose the first item $ousplit = $outemp -split ',',2 $outemp Try { $newOU = New-ADOrganizationalUnit -name $_.Name -path $ousplit[1] -EA stop Write-Host "Successfully created OU: $_.Name" $success++ } Catch { Write-host "ERROR creating OU: $outemp" #$error[0].exception.message" $failed++ } Finally { echo "" } } Write-host "Created $success OUs with $failed errors"
$path= 'C:\Users\sys_robin\ADUsers_Wuliu.csv' Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'OU=物流中心,DC=corp,DC=viplab,DC=com' -Filter * -Properties * |select sAMAccountName,cn,name,objectCategory,description,displayName,userPrincipalName,distinguishedName,title,manager,department,employeenumber | Export-csv $path -NotypeInformation -Encoding:UTF8
Import-Module activedirectory $OldDom = 'DC=corp,DC=viplab,DC=com' $NewDom = 'DC=corp,DC=demo,DC=com' $oldUPN = 'corp.viplab.com' $NewUPN = 'corp.demo.com' $password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'abc.123' -asplaintext -force $Usercsv = 'c:\ADUsers_Wuliu.csv' $success = 0 $failed = 0 $Userlist = Import-Csv $Usercsv $Userlist | foreach { $Usertemp = $_.Distinguishedname -replace $OldDom,$NewDom $UserUPN = $_.UserPrincipalName -replace $oldUPN,$NewUPN #need to split UserTemp and lose the first item $Usersplit = $Usertemp -split ',',2 $Usertemp Try { $newUser = New-ADUser -name $_.Name -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Description $_.description -displayname $_.displayname -title $_.title -department $_.department -UserPrincipalName $UserUPN -EmployeeNumber $_.EmployeeNumber -AccountPassword $password -Enable $true -path $Usersplit[1] -EA stop Write-Host "Successfully created User: $_.Name" $success++ } Catch { Write-Host "ERROR creating OU: $Usertemp" #$error[0].exception.message" $failed++ } Finally { echo "" } } Write-host "Created $success Users with $failed errors"
Import-Module activedirectory $OldDom = 'DC=corp,DC=viplab,DC=com' $NewDom = 'DC=corp,DC=demo,DC=com' $Usercsv = 'c:\ADUsers_Wuliu.csv' $success = 0 $failed = 0 $Userlist = Import-Csv $Usercsv $Userlist | foreach { $UserManager = $_.Manager -replace $OldDom,$NewDom Try { $Usertemp = $_.Distinguishedname -replace $OldDom,$NewDom $SetManager = Set-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Manager $UserManager -EA stop Write-Host "Successfully Set Manager: $_.Name" $success++ } Catch { Write-Host "ERROR Set Manager: $Usertemp" #$error[0].exception.message" $failed++ } Finally { echo "" } } Write-host "Created $success Users with $failed errors"
使用如上脚本,可以顺利迁移AD域中的OU和用户到新的测试域中,如果有多个OU,可以使用相同 的方法进行迁移,也可以整理下脚本,一次迁移多个OU。
本文出自 “Robin's Home” 博客,谢绝转载!