
/* Standard NSF Field Name/Value Definitions for the Notes product */
/* Very global field names */
#define FIELD_FORM "Form"
#define FIELD_TYPE_TYPE "Type"
#define FIELD_LINK "$REF"
#define FIELD_UpdateD_BY "$UpdatedBy"
#define FIELD_NAMELIST "$NameList"
#define FIELD_NAMED "$Name"
#define FIELD_URL "URL" /* used when copying link to clipboard */
#define FIELD_UNAME "$UName" /* Universal UNID/Name */
#define FIELD_CreateD "$Created" /* Created date, if specified overrides UNID created date for @Created */
#define FIELD_NAVIGATE_URL "$NavigateToURL"/* used to pass a URL to an embedded web browser control */
#define FIELD_RELOAD_REFRESH "$ReloadRefresh"/* used to pass reload/refresh info to embedded web browser control */
#define DESIGN_CLASS "$Class"
#define DESIGN_MODIFIED "$Modified"
#define DESIGN_READERS "$Readers" /* Text list of users allowed to read note */
#define FIELD_ANONYMOUS "$Anonymous" /* Indicates an anonymous document. */
#define DESIGN_UpdateRS "$Updaters" /* Text list of users allowed to update the folder note */
#define FIELD_NOPURGE "$NoPurge" /* Note should never be purged. */
#define DESIGN_RETAIN_FIELDS "$RetainFields" /* Text list of fields to retain in a
design refresh */
/* Public Access definitions */
#define FIELD_PUBLICROLE "$P" /* Reader List role name for public users */
#define FIELD_PUBLICACCESS "$PublicAccess" /* Note has public access if ACL_FLAG_PUBLICREADER is set. */

/* Mail note item names */
#define MAIL_MESSAGETYPE_ITEM "MessageType" /* Message type. */
#define MAIL_MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM "$MessageType" /* $MessageType item name */
#define MAIL_SENDTO_ITEM "SendTo" /* SendTo item name */
#define MAIL_COPYTO_ITEM "CopyTo" /* CopyTo item name */
#define MAIL_REPLYTO_ITEM "ReplyTo" /* ReplyTo, used for agents */
#define MAIL_RESPONSETO_ITEM "ResponseTo" /* ResponseTo, used for agents */
#define MAIL_FROM_ITEM "From" /* From item name */
#define MAIL_FROMDOMAIN_ITEM "FromDomain" /* From domain item name */
#define MAIL_SUBJECT_ITEM "Subject" /* Subject item name */
#define MAIL_DISPLAY_SUBJECT_ITEM "DisplaySubject" /* Used by reply form */
#define MAIL_COMPOSEDDATE_ITEM "ComposedDate" /* Composed date item name */
#define MAIL_POSTEDDATE_ITEM "PostedDate" /* Posted date item name */
#define MAIL_BODY_ITEM "Body" /* Body item name */
#define MAIL_INTENDEDRECIPIENT_ITEM "IntendedRecipient" /* Intended recipient item */
#define MAIL_FAILUREREASON_ITEM "FailureReason" /* Failure reason item */
#define MAIL_DEADFAILUREREASON_ITEM "DeadFailureReason" /* DEAD Failure reason item */
#define MAIL_RECIPIENTS_ITEM "Recipients" /* Recipients list item */
#define MAIL_ROUTINGSTATE_ITEM "RoutingState" /* Routing state */
#define MAIL_SAVED_FORM_ITEM "MailSavedForm" /* Delivery report saved form name item */
#define MAIL_BLINDCOPYTO_ITEM "BlindCopyTo" /* Blind copy to item name */
#define MAIL_DELIVERYPRIORITY_ITEM "DeliveryPriority" /* Delivery priority item name */
#define MAIL_DELIVERYREPORT_ITEM "DeliveryReport" /* Delivery report request item name */
#define MAIL_DELIVEREDDATE_ITEM "DeliveredDate" /* Delivered date item name */
#define MAIL_DELIVERYDATE_ITEM "DeliveryDate" /* Delivery date item name (Confirmation Reports only) */
#define MAIL_FORM_ITEM FIELD_FORM /* Form name item */
#define MAIL_REPLY_FORM_ITEM "ReplyForm" /* Reply form, used for agents */
#define MAIL_CATEGORIES_ITEM "Categories" /* Categories field */
#define MAIL_FROM_CATEGORIES_ITEM "FromCategories" /* Sender's Categories field */
#define MAIL_ROUTE_SERVERS_ITEM "RouteServers" /* List of servers routed thru */
#define MAIL_ROUTE_TIME_ITEM "RouteTimes" /* List of TIMEDATE_PAIRS describing holding times */
#define MAIL_RECIP_GROUPS_EXP_ITEM "RecipientGroupsExpanded" /* List of recipient group names that have been expanded */
#define MAIL_RETURNRECEIPT_ITEM "ReturnReceipt" /* Return receipt requested? */
#define MAIL_NAMED_ENCKEY_ITEM "NamedEncryptionKey" /* Named encryption key. */
#define MAIL_ROUTE_HOPS_ITEM "$Hops" /* Number of routing hops still allowed. */
#define MAIL_CORRELATION_ITEM "$Correlation" /* Arbitrary delivery report correlation value. */
#define MAIL_FORMAT_ITEM "MailFormat" /* (E)ncapsulated */
/* (T)ext */
/* (B)oth */
#define MAIL_IMPORTANCE_ITEM "Importance" /* Send Priority/Importance item */
#define MAIL_QUALRECIPIENTS_ITEM "QualRecipients" /* Fully qualified Recipients list item */
#define MAIL_ORIGNALPATH_ITEM "OriginalPath" /* original routing path (copy of original message's FromDomain) */
#define MAIL_TRACE_ITEM "$Trace" /* Identifies message as a trace file */
#define MAIL_ORIG_ITEM "$Orig" /* Global Id used for Billing */
#define MAIL_DELIVER_LOOPS_ITEM "$Loops" /* Number of forwarding loops still allowed. */
#define MAIL_CLUSTERFAILOVER_ITEM "$MailClusterFailover" /* Server name mail was delivered to after cluster failover */
/* Appointment form item names */
#define MAIL_APPT_BUSYNAME_ITEM "$BusyName" /* Person/resource the appointment is for */
#define MAIL_APPT_STARTTIME_ITEM "StartDateTime" /* Start time of appointment */
#define MAIL_APPT_ENDTIME_ITEM "EndDateTime" /* End time of appointment */
#define MAIL_APPT_SEQUENCE_ITEM "$Sequence" /* Sequence # of updates */
#define MAIL_APPT_BUSYPRIORITY_ITEM "$BusyPriority" /* Busy/Penciled-in/etc. */
#define MAIL_APPT_ATTENDEE_ITEM "Attendees" /* List of people for which the following items apply */
#define MAIL_APPT_ATTENDEE_STATE_ITEM "ORGState" /* Chairman, attendee, resource */
#define MAIL_APPT_ATTENDEE_STATUS_ITEM "ORGStatus" /* Deleted, etc. */
#define MAIL_APPT_ATTENDEE_OPTIONAL_ITEM "OPTIONAL" /* If TRUE, attendee is optional */
#define MAIL_APPT_PREV_BUSYNAME_ITEM "$PrevBusyName" /* Previous Person/resource(s) the appointment is for */

/* Calendar profile form related */
/* On a profile are eight fields that relate to when a users is available:
The AvailableDays item corresponds to the checkboxes allowing the user
to choose which days of the week they work. The resulting item
will be a textlist which contains the days of the week that they
For the days of the week that the user does work, the time ranges are
read and for each day and assimilated into one item in the busytime
database that represents the days and time the user or resource
is available for scheduling.
The item is encoded as follows:
DateTime.Lower.Date - a day that corresponds to the day of the week
.Time - start time of an interval for that day the user works
.Upper.Date - the same day as the Lower
.Time - end time of an interval for that day the user works
These values will repeat for the various times during the day for
every day of the week that the user works.
(i.e. The default configuration will be: (for Monday through Friday)
A Monday, 9:00 AM - A Monday, 12:00 PM
A Monday, 1:00 PM - A Monday, 5:00 PM)
NOTE: The encoding does not care which real date is used, it just
determines what day of the week the date correspondes to..
#define MAIL_CALENDAR_PROFILE_OWNER_ITEM "Owner" /* Owner field in calendar profile form */
/* Mail delegation profile form related */
#define MAIL_UIDL_ITEM "MailPop3UIDL"
/* POP3 view names */
#define POP3_VIEW "($POP3)"
/* Mail form names */
#define MAIL_MEMO_FORM "Memo" /* Standard memo */
#define MAIL_REPLY_FORM "Reply" /* Standard memo reply */
#define MAIL_REPLY_WITH_HISTORY_FORM "Reply With History" /* Standard reply w/history memo */
#define MAIL_PHONEMESSAGE_FORM "Phone Message" /* Phone message */
#define MAIL_DELIVERYREPORT_FORM "Delivery Report" /* Delivery report form name */
#define MAIL_NONDELIVERYREPORT_FORM "NonDelivery Report" /* Non-Delivery report form name */
#define MAIL_RETURNRECEIPT_FORM "Return Receipt" /* Return Receipt form name */
#define MAIL_DATABASEENTRY_FORM "Database Entry" /* mailin database entry form for libraries */
#define MAIL_TRACEREPORT_FORM "Trace Report" /* Trace report form name */
#define MAIL_CALENDAR_PROFILE_FORM "CalendarProfile" /* Calendar profile form name */
#define MAIL_DELEGATION_PROFILE_FORM "DelegationProfile" /* Delegation profile form name */
#define MAIL_APPOINTMENT_FORM "Appointment" /* C & S Appointment form name */
#define MAIL_NOTICE_FORM "Notice" /* C & S Meeting Notice form name */
#define MAIL_RESOURCE_RESERVATION_FORM "Reservation" /* C & S Resource reservation form name */
#define MAIL_RESOURCE_PROFILE_FORM "Resource" /* C & S Calendar resource profile form name */
/* Address Book - "Person" form item names */
#define MAIL_PERSON_FORM "Person" /* Form and type name */
#define MAIL_FORMTYPE_ITEM "Type" /* Form type */
#define MAIL_FULLNAME_ITEM "FullName" /* Full name */
#define MAIL_FIRSTNAME_ITEM "FirstName" /* First name */
#define MAIL_LASTNAME_ITEM "LastName" /* Last name */
#define MAIL_MIDDLEINITIAL_ITEM "MiddleInitial" /* Middle initial */
#define MAIL_SHORTNAME_ITEM "ShortName" /* Short name (for mail gateways) */
#define MAIL_OWNER_ITEM "Owner" /* Entry owner name */
#define MAIL_MAILSYSTEM_ITEM "MailSystem" /* Mail system item (keyword field: 1,2,3,4) */
#define MAIL_MAILSERVER_ITEM "MailServer" /* Mail server name */
#define MAIL_MAILFILE_ITEM "MailFile" /* Mail file name */
#define MAIL_MAILDOMAIN_ITEM "MailDomain" /* Mail domain name */
#define MAIL_MAILADDRESS_ITEM "MailAddress" /* Mail auto-forwarding address */
#define MAIL_PUBLICKEY_ITEM "PublicKey" /* Public encryption key */
#define MAIL_CERTIFICATE_ITEM "Certificate" /* Public encryption key */
#define MAIL_LOCATION_ITEM "Location" /* Location field */
#define MAIL_COMMENT_ITEM "Comment" /* Comment field */
#define MAIL_USERID_ATTACHMENT "UserID" /* User ID attachment file name */
#define MAIL_SERVERID_ATTACHMENT "ServerID" /* Server ID attachment file name */
#define MAIL_CALENDARDOMAIN_ITEM "CalendarDomain" /* User's calendar domain override */
#define MAIL_NETUSERNAME_ITEM "NetUserName" /* Network Acct Name (for dir synching) */
#define MAIL_HTTPPASSWORD_ITEM "HTTPPassword" /* http password */
#define MAIL_HASHVERSION_ITEM "$SecurePassword" /* Flag that indicates NoteUpdate should hash HTTPPassword field */
#define MAIL_STORAGE_ITEM "MessageStorage" /* Specifies how user wants to store the mail. See IMSG_STORAGE_XXX */

/* Special form flags */
#define ITEM_NAME_KEEP_PRIVATE "$KeepPrivate"
#define PRIVATE_FLAG_YES '1' /* $KeepPrivate = TRUE force disabling of printing, mail forwarding and edit copy */
#define PRIVATE_FLAG_YES_RESEND '2' /* $KeepPrivate = TRUE same as PRIVATE_FLAG_YES except allow resend */
#define ITEM_NAME_PAPERCOLOR "$PaperColor"
#define ITEM_NAME_RESTRICTBKOVERRIDE "$NoBackgroundOverride"
#define RESTRICTBK_FLAG_NOOVERRIDE '1' /* $NoBackgroundOverride = TRUE Don't allow user to override document background */
#define ITEM_NAME_AUTO_EDIT_NOTE "$AutoEditMode"
#define AUTO_EDIT_FLAG_YES '1' /* $AutoEditMode = TRUE force edit mode on open regardless of Form flag */
#define ITEM_NAME_SHOW_NAVIGATIONBAR "$ShowNavigationBar" /* Display the URL navigation Bar */
#define ITEM_NAME_HIDE_SCROLL_BARS "$HideScrollBars"
#define ITEM_NAME_VERSION_OPT "$VersionOpt" /* Over-ride the Form flags for versioning. */
#define VERSION_FLAG_NONE '0' /* $Version = 0, None */
#define VERSION_FLAG_MURESP '1' /* $Version = 1, Manual - Update becomes response */
#define VERSION_FLAG_AURESP '2' /* $Version = 2, Auto - Update becomes response */
#define VERSION_FLAG_MUPAR '3' /* $Version = 3, Manual - Update becomes parent */
#define VERSION_FLAG_AUPAR '4' /* $Version = 4, Auto - Update becomes parent */
#define VERSION_FLAG_MUSIB '5' /* $Version = 5, Manual - Update becomes sibling */
#define VERSION_FLAG_AUSIB '6' /* $Version = 6, Auto - Update becomes sibling */
/* Document note item names */
#define ITEM_NAME_TEMPLATE_USED FIELD_FORM /* form name used to create note, user-visible */
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTEREF FIELD_LINK /* optional reference to another note */
#define ITEM_NAME_VERREF "$VERREF" /* optional reference to master version note */
#define ITEM_NAME_LINK "$Links" /* note link table */
#define ITEM_NAME_REVISIONS "$Revisions" /* Revision history */
#define ITEM_NAME_CONFLICT VIEW_CONFLICT_ITEM /* Replication update conflict */
#define ITEM_NAME_AUTHORS "$Authors" /* text list of users allowed to modify document */
/* Document and form note item names, all items are optional */
#define ITEM_NAME_FONTS "$Fonts" /* font table */
#define ITEM_NAME_HEADER "$Header" /* print page header */
#define ITEM_NAME_FOOTER "$Footer" /* print page footer */
#define ITEM_NAME_HFFLAGS "$HFFlags" /* header/footer flags */
#define HFFLAGS_NOPRINTONFIRSTPAGE '1' /* suppress printing header/footer on first page */
#define ITEM_NAME_WINDOWTITLE "$WindowTitle"/* window title */
#define ITEM_NAME_HTMLBODYTAG "$HTMLBodyTag"/* Override for HTML body tag */
#define ITEM_NAME_WEBQUERYSAVE "$WEBQuerySave" /*WebQuerySave formula */
#define ITEM_NAME_WEBQUERYOPEN "$WEBQueryOpen" /*WebQueryOpen formula */
/* Document note Sign/Seal item names */
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_SIGNATURE "$Signature"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_SIG_PREFIX "$Sig_" /* Prefix for multiple signatures. */
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_SEAL "$Seal"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_SEALNAMES "SecretEncryptionKeys"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_SEALUSERS "PublicEncryptionKeys"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_FORCEMAIL "MailOptions"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_FORCESAVE "SaveOptions"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_MAILSAVE "MailSaveOptions"
#define ITEM_NAME_NOTE_FOLDERADD "FolderOptions"
/* Fields used to store the list of folders into which a document is to be
saved. Note that @Command([ChooseFolders]) reads and writes these fields,
so you do not normally need to manipulate them in a document.
Note also that to a user, there are only two sets of folders: Shared and
Private, with the distinction that some Private folders are stored in the
databse, and some on the workstation in the desktop file (when the user
cannot store them in the database due to access restrictions). */
#define FOLDERS_SHARED "$Folders" /* List of shared folders. */
#define FOLDERS_PRIVATE "$PrivateFolders" /* List of private folders (in database). */
#define FOLDERS_PRIVATE_LOCAL "$LocalPrivateFolders" /* List of private folders (in desktop). */
/* Item names of fields in Mail template: */
#define MAILREPORT_ITEM "$DeliveryReport" /* TBD */
