

【命令名称】 chage
【命令语法】 chage [-ldEImMW] 帐号名
【常用参数】     格式 YYYY-MM-DD
        l 列出该帐号的详细参数
        d 后面跟日期,修改shadow第三位(最近一次更改密码的日期)
        I 后面跟天数,修改shadow第七位(密码失效日)
        E 后面接日期,修改shadow第八位(帐号失效日)
        m 后面接天数 修改shadow第四位(密码最短保留天数)
        M 后面接天数 修改shadow第五位(密码多久需要更改)
        W  后面接天数 修改shadow第四位 (密码过期前提配醒天数)
[root@cxcserver ~]# chage -l test
Last password change                                    : Jan 16, 2013
Password expires                                        : never
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : Apr 01, 2013
Minimum number of days between password change          : 0
Maximum number of days between password change          : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7
[root@cxcserver ~]#
[cxc@cxcserver ~]$ chage -M 60 cxc
[cxc@cxcserver ~]$ sudo chage -M 60 cxc
[sudo] password for cxc:
[cxc@cxcserver ~]$ chage -l cxc
Last password change                                     : Dec 25, 2012
Password expires                                         : Feb 23, 2013
Password inactive                                        : never
Account expires                                          : never
Minimum number of days between password change           : 0
Maximum number of days between password change           : 60
Number of days of warning before password expires        : 7
[cxc@cxcserver ~]$
