Internet Explorer 9(IE9) and Forefront TMG 2010

Internet Explorer 9(IE9) and Forefront TMG 2010


Recently some customers reported an compatiblity issue between IE9 and Forefront TMG2010.

After install IE9, Microsoft Forefront Thread Management Gateway management tools cannot work anymore, it gives error message like “member not found”, “refresh failed”.

And going back to IE8 the problem was resolved. This seems localized IE9 is installed. Gernam and Russian language were reported being affected.

We are investigating this issue, the current workaround is:

* Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\UI_HTMLs\TabsHandler\"
* Search for the 3 lines which contain "paddingTop", and remark-out each of them by adding "//" in the begining.
Example: Change the line:
m_aPages [niPage] = ((m_nBoostUp < 0) ? -m_nBoostUp : 0) ;
// m_aPages [niPage] = ((m_nBoostUp < 0) ? -m_nBoostUp : 0) ;
* Save the file, and re-open TMG management console.
