深入阅读Mina源码(1) ―― 小试牛刀,过滤器介绍



0. Mina框架简介


MINA(Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications)是用于开发高性能和高可用性的网络应用程序的基础框架。通过使用MINA框架可以可以省下处理底层I/O和线程并发等复杂工作,开发人员能够把更多的精力投入到业务设计和开发当中。MINA框架的应用比较广泛,应用的开源项目有Apache Directory、AsyncWeb、Apache Qpid、QuickFIX/J、Openfire、SubEthaSTMP、red5等。

MINA框架的特点有:基于java NIO类库开发;采用非阻塞方式的异步传输;事件驱动;支持批量数据传输;支持TCP、UDP协议;控制反转的设计模式(支持Spring);采用优雅的松耦合架构;可灵活的加载过滤器机制;单元测试更容易实现;可自定义线程的数量,以提高运行于多处理器上的性能;采用回调的方式完成调用,线程的使用更容易。


1. 引言




http://wslfh2005.iteye.com/ 作者有四篇文章,不再详细列出,














2.1 IoFilter






Java代码 复制代码 收藏代码
  1. /**
  2. * Invoked before this filter is added to the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
  3. * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
  4. * this filter is added to more than one parents. This method is not
  5. * invoked before {@link #init()} is invoked.
  6. *
  7. * @param parent the parent who called this method
  8. * @param name the name assigned to this filter
  9. * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter. You can reuse
  10. * this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
  11. */
  12. void onPreAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception;
     * Invoked before this filter is added to the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
     * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
     * this filter is added to more than one parents.  This method is not
     * invoked before {@link #init()} is invoked.
     * @param parent the parent who called this method
     * @param name the name assigned to this filter
     * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter.  You can reuse
     *                   this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
    void onPreAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception;

