Install Anywhere, Linux (Specifically Ubuntu): Malformed \uxxxx encoding

Install Anywhere, Linux (Specifically Ubuntu): Malformed \uxxxx encoding.

  • Started 3 years ago by schoenobates (3 posts) (3 voices)
  • Latest reply from tah_mas
  1. Posted 3 years ago
    It appears that custom PS1 entries may affect the install resulting in the following:
    An internal LaunchAnywhere application error has occured and this application cannot proceed. (LAX)

    Stack Trace:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.
    at java.util.Properties.loadConvert(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Properties.load0(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Properties.load(Unknown Source)
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.<init>(DashoA10*..)
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA10*..)
    You may need to unset the PS1 or TITLEBAR for the install as noted here:
    What worked for me was:
    $ unset PS1 && ./install.bin
  2. Posted 3 years ago
    Skifta Team
    thanks for the heads up (ubuntu version was 9.10 64bit)
  3. Posted 1 year ago
    Thanks just to add some more information. Certain combinations of values within the PS1 (prompt) environment variable are not handled properly by InstallAnywhere causing the installer to fail with the above exception.
    It appears InstallAnywhere parses the \u setting and depending on how it appears within the string, assumes a unicode character is being stated - when the rest of the string doesn't map to any expected unicode values the installer fails.
    To make it fail set: PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$" and run the installer and to fix it without unsetting PS1 change it to PS1="${PWD}>" and run the installer again.


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