
Browsing is a general technique used by intruders to obtain information they are
not authorized to access. This type of attack takes place when an attacker is looking for
sensitive data but does not know the format of the data (word processing document,
spreadsheet, database, piece of paper). Browsing can be accomplished by looking
through another person’s files kept on a server or workstation, rummaging through
garbage looking for information that was carelessly thrown away, or reviewing information
that has been saved on USB flash drives. A more advanced and sophisticated example
of browsing is when an intruder accesses residual information on storage media.
The original user may have deleted the files from a USB flash drive, but, as stated earlier,
this only removes the pointers to the files within the file system on that disk. The
talented intruder can access these data (residual information) and access information
he is unauthorized to obtain.
Another type of browsing attack is called shoulder surfing, where an attacker looks
over another’s shoulder to see items on that person’s monitor or what is being typed in
at the keyboard.

本文出自 “木鸟” 博客,谢绝转载!
