RH033 Unit1 Linux Ideas and History

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to :
1) Expain the nature of open source software
2) Discuss the origins of Linux
3) List the Red Hat operating system distribuions
4) Explain basic Linux principles
What is Open Source?
1) Open soucre: software and source code available to all
- The freedom to distributed software and source code
- The ability to modify and create derived works
- Integrity of authors' code
2) The Free Software Foundation and the Four Freedoms
Linux Origins
1) 1984: The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation
- Create open source version of UNIX utilities
- Create the Gerneral Public License (GPL)
  • Software license enforcing open source principles
2) 1991: Linus Torvalds
- Creates open sources, UNIX-like kernel, released under the GPL
- Ports some GNU utilities, solicits assistance online
3) Today:
- Linux kernel + GNU utilities = complete, open source, UNIX-like operating system
  • Packaged for targeted audiences as distributions
Red Hat Distributions
1) Linux distributions are OSes based on the linux kernel
2) Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Stable, thoroughly tested software
- Professional support services
- Centralized management tools for large networks
3) The Fedora Project
- More, newer applications
- Community supported (no official Red Hat support)
- For personal systems
Linux Principles
1) Everything is a file (including hardware)
2) Small, single-purpose programs
3) Ability to chain programs together to perform complex tasks
4) Avoid captive user interfaces
5) Configuration data stored in text
1) Open source and the right to modify
2) The GNU project and the Free Software Foundation
3) Linux Torvalds and the Linux kernel
4) Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Fedora Project
5) Baisc Linux Principles
