
1、局域网传输协议:CSMA/CD, polling, token-passing
Common LAN transmission protocols are: CSMA/CD, polling, token-passing.
2、局域网拓扑: bus, ring, star or meshed.
A LAN topology defines the manner in which the network devices are organized to facilitate communications.
Common LAN topologies are: bus, ring, star or meshed.
3、局域网传输方法: unicast, multicast or broadcast.
LAN transmission methods refer to the way packets are sent on the network and are either unicast, multicast or broadcast.
4、局域网介质访问方法: Ethernet, ARCnet, Token ring and FDDI
LAN media access methods control the use of a network (physical and data link layers). They can be Ethernet, ARCnet, Token ring and FDDI.
