allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
backup database format '/rmanset/full_%d%t%s%p' tag 'fullbackup';
sql 'alter system archive log current';
BACKUP FORMAT '/rmanset/%d_arch_%s_%p_%h' ARCHIVELOG ALL delete input;
backup format '/rmanset/cf_%d' current controlfile;
rac1-> rman target / nocatalog
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Nov 26 00:30:03 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: RACDB (DBID=667104169)
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
RMAN> run{
2> allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
3> allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
4> backup database format '/rmanset/full_%d%t%s%p' tag 'fullbackup';
5> sql 'alter system archive log current';
6> BACKUP FORMAT '/rmanset/%d_arch_%s_%p_%h' ARCHIVELOG ALL delete input;
7> backup format '/rmanset/cf_%d' current controlfile;
10> }
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: sid=153 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
allocated channel: ch01
channel ch01: sid=120 instance=rdb2 devtype=DISK
Starting backup at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: starting full datafile backupset
channel ch00: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00003 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/sysaux.261.669487497
input datafile fno=00002 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/undotbs1.260.669487479
input datafile fno=00004 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/undotbs2.263.669487539
channel ch00: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch01: starting full datafile backupset
channel ch01: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00001 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/system.259.669487425
input datafile fno=00006 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/rman_backup.268.671103645
input datafile fno=00005 name=+RACDATA/racdb/datafile/users.264.669487561
channel ch01: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch01: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717618001931 tag=FULLBACKUP comment=NONE
channel ch01: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:02:10
channel ch01: starting full datafile backupset
channel ch01: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
including current control file in backupset
channel ch01: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717618141921 tag=FULLBACKUP comment=NONE
channel ch00: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:02:22
channel ch00: starting full datafile backupset
channel ch00: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
including current SPFILE in backupset
channel ch00: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch01: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717619311941 tag=FULLBACKUP comment=NONE
channel ch01: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:13
channel ch00: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717619571951 tag=FULLBACKUP comment=NONE
channel ch00: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
Finished backup at 26-NOV-08
sql statement: alter system archive log current
Starting backup at 26-NOV-08
current log archived
released channel: ch00
released channel: ch01
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 11/26/2008 00:32:56
RMAN-06726: could not locate archivelog /rdb1_arch/1_1_671755092.dbf
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
RMAN> run{
2> allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
3> allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
4> sql 'alter system archive log current';
5> BACKUP FORMAT '/rmanset/%d_arch_%s_%p_%h' ARCHIVELOG ALL delete input;
6> backup format '/rmanset/cf_%d' current controlfile;
9> }
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: sid=153 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
allocated channel: ch01
channel ch01: sid=120 instance=rdb2 devtype=DISK
sql statement: alter system archive log current
Starting backup at 26-NOV-08
current log archived
channel ch00: starting archive log backupset
channel ch00: specifying archive log(s) in backup set
input archive log thread=1 sequence=1 recid=370 stamp=671761661
input archive log thread=1 sequence=2 recid=372 stamp=671761676
input archive log thread=1 sequence=3 recid=373 stamp=671761677
input archive log thread=1 sequence=4 recid=374 stamp=671761683
input archive log thread=1 sequence=5 recid=376 stamp=671761688
input archive log thread=1 sequence=6 recid=379 stamp=671761962
channel ch00: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch01: starting archive log backupset
channel ch01: specifying archive log(s) in backup set
input archive log thread=1 sequence=7 recid=380 stamp=671761968
input archive log thread=1 sequence=8 recid=383 stamp=671762080
input archive log thread=1 sequence=9 recid=385 stamp=671762085
input archive log thread=2 sequence=1 recid=368 stamp=671761639
input archive log thread=2 sequence=2 recid=369 stamp=671761644
input archive log thread=2 sequence=3 recid=371 stamp=671761649
input archive log thread=2 sequence=4 recid=375 stamp=671761671
input archive log thread=2 sequence=5 recid=377 stamp=671761676
input archive log thread=2 sequence=6 recid=378 stamp=671761946
channel ch01: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_196_1_1 tag=TAG20081126T003446 comment=NONE
channel ch00: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00
channel ch00: deleting archive log(s)
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_1_671761416.dbf recid=370 stamp=671761661
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_2_671761416.dbf recid=372 stamp=671761676
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_3_671761416.dbf recid=373 stamp=671761677
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_4_671761416.dbf recid=374 stamp=671761683
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_5_671761416.dbf recid=376 stamp=671761688
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_6_671761416.dbf recid=379 stamp=671761962
channel ch01: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_197_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446 comment=NONE
channel ch01: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
channel ch01: deleting archive log(s)
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_7_671761416.dbf recid=380 stamp=671761968
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_8_671761416.dbf recid=383 stamp=671762080
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_9_671761416.dbf recid=385 stamp=671762085
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_1_671761416.dbf recid=368 stamp=671761639
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_2_671761416.dbf recid=369 stamp=671761644
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_3_671761416.dbf recid=371 stamp=671761649
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_4_671761416.dbf recid=375 stamp=671761671
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_5_671761416.dbf recid=377 stamp=671761676
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_6_671761416.dbf recid=378 stamp=671761946
channel ch00: starting archive log backupset
channel ch00: specifying archive log(s) in backup set
input archive log thread=2 sequence=7 recid=381 stamp=671761959
input archive log thread=2 sequence=8 recid=382 stamp=671762064
input archive log thread=2 sequence=9 recid=384 stamp=671762067
channel ch00: starting piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: finished piece 1 at 26-NOV-08
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_198_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446 comment=NONE
channel ch00: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
channel ch00: deleting archive log(s)
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_7_671761416.dbf recid=381 stamp=671761959
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_8_671761416.dbf recid=382 stamp=671762064
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_9_671761416.dbf recid=384 stamp=671762067
rac1-> rman target / nocatalog3.实例2也要启动到mount,才开始做resotre database:
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Nov 26 00:39:23 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database (not started)
RMAN> startup nomount;
Oracle instance started
Total System Global Area 171966464 bytes
Fixed Size 1218340 bytes
Variable Size 125831388 bytes
Database Buffers 41943040 bytes
Redo Buffers 2973696 bytes
RMAN> restore controlfile from '/rmanset/cf_RACDB';
Starting restore at 26-NOV-08
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=147 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:11
output filename=+RACDATA/racdb/controlfile/current.256.669487407
Finished restore at 26-NOV-08
RMAN> sql
2> 'alter database mount';
sql statement: alter database mount
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
RMAN> run{
2> allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
3> allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
4> restore database;
5> }
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: sid=147 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
allocated channel: ch01
channel ch01: sid=151 instance=rdb2 devtype=DISK
Starting restore at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: starting datafile backupset restore
channel ch00: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
restoring datafile 00002 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/undotbs1.260.669487479
restoring datafile 00003 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/sysaux.261.669487497
restoring datafile 00004 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/undotbs2.263.669487539
channel ch00: reading from backup piece /rmanset/full_RACDB6717618141921
channel ch01: starting datafile backupset restore
channel ch01: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
restoring datafile 00001 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/system.259.669487425
restoring datafile 00005 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/users.264.669487561
restoring datafile 00006 to +RACDATA/racdb/datafile/rman_backup.268.671103645
channel ch01: reading from backup piece /rmanset/full_RACDB6717618001931
channel ch01: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717618001931 tag=FULLBACKUP
channel ch01: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:01:44
channel ch00: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/full_RACDB6717618141921 tag=FULLBACKUP
channel ch00: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:02:09
Finished restore at 26-NOV-08
released channel: ch00
released channel: ch01
4.restore archivelogfile
RMAN> run{
2> allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
3> 4> restore (archivelog sequence between 1 and 10 thread 1);
5> restore (archivelog sequence between 1 and 7 thread 2);
6> }
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: sid=147 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
allocated channel: ch01
channel ch01: sid=151 instance=rdb2 devtype=DISK
Starting restore at 26-NOV-08
archive log thread 1 sequence 6 is already on disk as file /rdb1_arch/1_6_671761416.dbf
channel ch00: starting archive log restore to default destination
channel ch01: starting archive log restore to default destination
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=1
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=2
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=7
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=3
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=4
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=8
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=5
channel ch00: reading from backup piece /rmanset/RACDB_arch_196_1_1
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=1 sequence=9
channel ch01: reading from backup piece /rmanset/RACDB_arch_197_1_2
channel ch00: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_196_1_1 tag=TAG20081126T003446
channel ch00: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
channel ch01: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_197_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446
channel ch01: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
Finished restore at 26-NOV-08
Starting restore at 26-NOV-08
channel ch00: starting archive log restore to default destination
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=7
channel ch00: reading from backup piece /rmanset/RACDB_arch_198_1_2
channel ch01: starting archive log restore to default destination
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=1
channel ch00: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_198_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446
channel ch00: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=2
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=3
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=4
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=5
channel ch01: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=6
channel ch01: reading from backup piece /rmanset/RACDB_arch_197_1_2
channel ch01: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_197_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446
channel ch01: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
Finished restore at 26-NOV-08
released channel: ch00
released channel: ch01
5。recover database:
RMAN> run{
2> allocate CHANNEL ch00 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb1';
3> allocate CHANNEL ch01 type DISK CONNECT'sys/oracle@rdb2';
4> recover database;
5> }
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: sid=147 instance=rdb1 devtype=DISK
allocated channel: ch01
channel ch01: sid=151 instance=rdb2 devtype=DISK
Starting recover at 26-NOV-08
starting media recovery
archive log thread 1 sequence 6 is already on disk as file /rdb1_arch/1_6_671761416.dbf
archive log thread 1 sequence 7 is already on disk as file /rdb2_arch/1_7_671761416.dbf
archive log thread 1 sequence 8 is already on disk as file /rdb2_arch/1_8_671761416.dbf
archive log thread 1 sequence 9 is already on disk as file +RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.669487419
archive log thread 1 sequence 10 is already on disk as file +RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.669487411
archive log thread 2 sequence 6 is already on disk as file /rdb2_arch/2_6_671761416.dbf
archive log thread 2 sequence 7 is already on disk as file /rdb1_arch/2_7_671761416.dbf
archive log thread 2 sequence 9 is already on disk as file +RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.266.669489327
archive log thread 2 sequence 10 is already on disk as file +RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.265.669489319
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/1_6_671761416.dbf thread=1 sequence=6
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/2_6_671761416.dbf thread=2 sequence=6
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/2_7_671761416.dbf thread=2 sequence=7
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/1_7_671761416.dbf thread=1 sequence=7
archive log filename=/rdb2_arch/1_8_671761416.dbf thread=1 sequence=8
channel ch00: starting archive log restore to default destination
channel ch00: restoring archive log
archive log thread=2 sequence=8
channel ch00: reading from backup piece /rmanset/RACDB_arch_198_1_2
channel ch00: restored backup piece 1
piece handle=/rmanset/RACDB_arch_198_1_2 tag=TAG20081126T003446
channel ch00: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:04
archive log filename=/rdb1_arch/2_8_671761416.dbf thread=2 sequence=8
archive log filename=+RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.266.669489327 thread=2 sequence=9
archive log filename=+RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.669487419 thread=1 sequence=9
archive log filename=+RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.265.669489319 thread=2 sequence=10
archive log filename=+RACDATA/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.669487411 thread=1 sequence=10
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03
Finished recover at 26-NOV-08
released channel: ch00
released channel: ch01
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
database opened