
  • 原文出处

  • 原文作者:FriendsOfSymfony

  • 授权许可:创作共用协议

  • 翻译人员:FireHare

  • 校对人员:

  • 适用版本:FOSCommentBundle 2.0.5

  • 文章状态:草译阶段

Step 9: Using a markup parser

FOSComment bundle allows a developer to implement RawCommentInterface, which will tell the bundle that your comments are to be parsed for a markup language.

FOSComment功能包允许开发者实现 RawCommentInterface接口,该接口告诉功能包您的评论将作为标识语言解析。

You will also need to configure a rawBody field in your database to store the parsed comments.

您也需要在您的数据库中配置 rawBody 字段,用来保存被解析后的评论。

use FOS\CommentBundle\Model\RawCommentInterface;
class Comment extends BaseComment implements RawCommentInterface
     * @ORM\Column(name="rawBody", type="text", nullable=true)
     * @var string
    protected $rawBody;
    ... also add getter and setter as defined in the RawCommentInterface ...

When a comment is added, it is parsed and setRawBody() is called with the raw version of the comment which is then stored in the database and shown when the comment is later rendered.

当添加一个评论时,它被解析,然后调用 setRawBody()方法,并且与原始版本的评论一起保存在数据库中,然后在该评论被渲染时显示。

Any markup language is supported, all you need is a bridging class that implements Markup\ParserInterface and returns the parsed result of a comment in raw html to be displayed on the page.


To set up your own custom markup parser, you are required to define a service that implements the above interface, and to tell FOSCommentBundle about it,adjust the configuration accordingly


# app/config/config.yml
        markup: your_markup_service

  • Allow your users to post safe HTML with ExerciseHtmlPurifierBundle

  • 允许您的用户通过ExerciseHtmlPurifierBundle功能包发送安全的HTML

  • Enable the sundown pecl extension to parse comments for markdown

  • 启用PECL 扩展sundown来解析markdown格式的评论

  • Implement a BBCode parser to let your users post comments with BBCode

  • 实现一个BBCode解析器以便您的用户可以通过BBCode发送评论

That is it!

Return to the index.

