PX Deq Credit: send blkd (3)---Script to monitor parallel queries (文档 ID 45

Script to monitor parallel queries (文档 ID 457857.1)

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 28-April-2010***


***Checked for relevance on 10-Oct-2011***

The script has 3 SQL commands. The first 1 gives an overview of all running parallel queries with all slaves.It shows the if a slave is waiting and for what event it waits. The second  commands shows for the PX Deq events the processes that are exchange data.The third 1 shows for long running processes what are the slaves do.



col username for a12
col "QC SID" for A6
col "SID" for A6
col "QC/Slave" for A8
col "Req. DOP" for 9999
col "Actual DOP" for 9999
col "Slaveset" for A8
col "Slave INST" for A9
col "QC INST" for A6
set pages 300 lines 300
col wait_event format a30
' - '||lower(substr(pp.SERVER_NAME,
length(pp.SERVER_NAME)-4,4) ) )"Username",
decode(px.qcinst_id,NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave" ,
to_char( px.server_set) "SlaveSet",
to_char(s.sid) "SID",
to_char(px.inst_id) "Slave INST",
decode(sw.state,'WAITING', 'WAIT', 'NOT WAIT' ) as STATE,     
case  sw.state WHEN 'WAITING' THEN substr(sw.event,1,30) ELSE NULL end as wait_event ,
decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL ,to_char(s.sid) ,px.qcsid) "QC SID",
to_char(px.qcinst_id) "QC INST",
px.req_degree "Req. DOP",
px.degree "Actual DOP"
from gv$px_session px,
gv$session s ,
gv$px_process pp,
gv$session_wait sw
where px.sid=s.sid (+)
and px.serial#=s.serial#(+)
and px.inst_id = s.inst_id(+)
and px.sid = pp.sid (+)
and px.serial#=pp.serial#(+)
and sw.sid = s.sid  
and sw.inst_id = s.inst_id   
order by
  decode(px.QCINST_ID,  NULL, px.INST_ID,  px.QCINST_ID),
  decode(px.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, px.SERVER_GROUP), 
set pages 300 lines 300
col wait_event format a30
  sw.SID as RCVSID,
         NULL, 'A QC', 
         pp.server_name) as RCVR,
  sw.inst_id as RCVRINST,
case  sw.state WHEN 'WAITING' THEN substr(sw.event,1,30) ELSE NULL end as wait_event ,
  decode(bitand(p1, 65535),
         65535, 'QC', 
         'P'||to_char(bitand(p1, 65535),'fm000')) as SNDR,
  bitand(p1, 16711680) - 65535 as SNDRINST,
  decode(bitand(p1, 65535),
         65535, ps.qcsid,
            server_name = 'P'||to_char(bitand(sw.p1, 65535),'fm000') and
            inst_id = bitand(sw.p1, 16711680) - 65535)
        ) as SNDRSID,
   decode(sw.state,'WAITING', 'WAIT', 'NOT WAIT' ) as STATE     
  gv$session_wait sw,
  gv$px_process pp,
  gv$px_session ps
  sw.sid = pp.sid (+) and
  sw.inst_id = pp.inst_id (+) and 
  sw.sid = ps.sid (+) and
  sw.inst_id = ps.inst_id (+) and 
  p1text  = 'sleeptime/senderid' and
  bitand(p1, 268435456) = 268435456
order by
  decode(ps.QCINST_ID,  NULL, ps.INST_ID,  ps.QCINST_ID),
  decode(ps.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, ps.SERVER_GROUP), 
set pages 300 lines 300
col "Username" for a12
col "QC/Slave" for A8
col "Slaveset" for A8
col "Slave INST" for A9
col "QC SID" for A6
col "QC INST" for A6
col "operation_name" for A30
col "target" for A30
' - '||lower(substr(pp.SERVER_NAME,
length(pp.SERVER_NAME)-4,4) ) )"Username",
decode(px.qcinst_id,NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave" ,
to_char( px.server_set) "SlaveSet",
to_char(px.inst_id) "Slave INST",
substr(opname,1,30)  operation_name,
substr(target,1,30) target,
decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL ,to_char(s.sid) ,px.qcsid) "QC SID",
to_char(px.qcinst_id) "QC INST"
from gv$px_session px,
gv$px_process pp,
gv$session_longops s 
where px.sid=s.sid 
and px.serial#=s.serial#
and px.inst_id = s.inst_id
and px.sid = pp.sid (+)
and px.serial#=pp.serial#(+)
order by
  decode(px.QCINST_ID,  NULL, px.INST_ID,  px.QCINST_ID),
  decode(px.SERVER_GROUP, NULL, 0, px.SERVER_GROUP), 

Sample Output

Some sample outputs from the script.
Output from the first script

Username     QC/Slave SlaveSet SID    Slave INS STATE    WAIT_EVENT                     QC SID QC INS Req. DOP Actual DOP
------------ -------- -------- ------ --------- -------- ------------------------------ ------ ------ -------- ---------- 
SCOTT      QC                923    1         WAIT     db file sequential read        923
- p003      (Slave)  1        935    1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       923    1             4          4
- p001      (Slave)  1        961    1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
- p002      (Slave)  1        1035   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
- p004      (Slave)  1        977    1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       923    1             4          4
- p006      (Slave)  2        609    1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
- p007      (Slave)  2        642    1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
- p008      (Slave)  2        970    1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
- p005      (Slave)  2        953    1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          923    1             4          4
SCOTT      QC                1003   1         WAIT     SQL*Net message from client    1003
- p015      (Slave)  1        608    1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       1003   1             8          8
- p011      (Slave)  1        639    1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       1003   1             8          8
- p012      (Slave)  1        1115   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p000      (Slave)  1        1253   1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       1003   1             8          8
- p010      (Slave)  1        1420   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p009      (Slave)  1        1421   1         WAIT     PX Deq Credit: send blkd       1003   1             8          8
- p014      (Slave)  1        1417   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p013      (Slave)  1        1180   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p020      (Slave)  2        1422   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p023      (Slave)  2        1423   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p018      (Slave)  2        1424   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p021      (Slave)  2        1426   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p019      (Slave)  2        1428   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p016      (Slave)  2        1429   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p022      (Slave)  2        1427   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8
- p017      (Slave)  2        1425   1         WAIT     PX Deq: Execution Msg          1003   1             8          8

This out shows 2 queries. 1 is running with degree 4 and the other with degree 8. Is shows also that all slaves are currently waiting.

The next scrip analyze in more detail the  "PX Deq: .." wait events

---------- ---- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ---------- ---------- --------
       935 P003          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1        923 WAIT
       961 P001          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       977 P004          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1        923 WAIT
      1035 P002          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       609 P006          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       642 P007          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       970 P008          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       953 P005          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1        923 WAIT
       608 P015          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1180 P013          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1253 P000          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1417 P014          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1421 P009          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1420 P010          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1115 P012          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
       639 P011          1 PX Deq Credit: send blkd       QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1422 P020          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1423 P023          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1424 P018          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1425 P017          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1426 P021          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1427 P022          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1428 P019          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT
      1429 P016          1 PX Deq: Execution Msg          QC             1       1003 WAIT

Here we see that the slaves are communicating with the Query  Coordinator . All this looks fine.
The last one shows  what slaves that have an entry in v$session_longops to get an idea what slave or the QC are doing.

Username     QC/Slave SlaveSet Slave INS OPERATION_NAME                 TARGET                              SOFAR  TOTALWORK UNITS                            START_TIM QC SID QC INS
------------ -------- -------- --------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------------------------- --------- ------ ------
SCOTT       QC                1         Index Fast Full Scan           EMP                   680893     680893 Blocks                           10-SEP-07 923
SCOTT      QC                1         Index Fast Full Scan           EMP                   680893     680893 Blocks                           10-SEP-07 923
- p003      (Slave)  1        1         Sort Output                                                        21997      33383 Blocks                           10-SEP-07 923    1
- p001      (Slave)  1        1         Sort Output                                                        94196      94196 Blocks                           10-SEP-07 923    1
- p011      (Slave)  1        1         Hash Join                                                            589        589 Blocks                           11
