一个不错的kickstart file

# Example KickStart file for SLC6 installations
# Important note: this file is intended as an example only, and users are
# expected to tailor it to their needs. In particular, users should:
#   - review the partition table
#   - set an encrypted root password
#   - for 32-bit installations, replace the occurences of "x86_64" by "i386"
# To upload the Kickstart file to the AIMS installation service, run:
#     /usr/bin/aims2client addhost --hostname <hostname> --kickstart kickstart-example.ks --kopts "text network ks ksdevice=bootif latefcload" --pxe --name slc6X_x86_64
# Text mode or graphical mode?
# Install or upgrade?
# installation path
url --url=http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/cern/slc6X/x86_64/
# Language support
lang en_US
# Keyboard
keyboard us
# Network
network --onboot yes --bootproto dhcp
# Root password - change to a real password (use "grub-md5-crypt" to get the crypted version)
rootpw --iscrypted ***
# Firewall openings for SSH and AFS
firewall --service=ssh --port=7001:udp
# Authconfig
authconfig --useshadow --enablemd5 --enablekrb5
# SElinux
selinux --enforcing
# Timezone
timezone --utc Europe/Zurich
# Bootloader
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda
# Partition table
clearpart --linux --drives=sda
part /boot --size=1024 --ondisk sda
part pv.01 --size=1    --ondisk sda --grow
volgroup vg1 pv.01
logvol /    --vgname=vg1 --size=10000  --name=root
logvol swap --vgname=vg1 --recommended --name=swap --fstype=swap
ignoredisk --only-use=sda
# XWindows configuration information
xconfig --startxonboot
# Installation logging level
logging --level=info
# Reboot after installation?
# packages part of the KickStart configuration file
# Use package groups from "Software Development Workstation (CERN Recommended Setup)"
# as defined in /afs/cern.ch/project/linux/cern/slc6X/i386/build/product.img/installclasses/slc.py
@ base
@ core
@ debugging
@ cern-addons
@ cern-addons-x11
@ directory-client
@ java-platform
@ network-file-system-client
@ performance
@ perl-runtime
@ server-platform
@ fonts
@ print-client
@ console-internet
@ hardware-monitoring
@ basic-desktop
@ desktop-debugging
@ desktop-platform
@ general-desktop
@ graphical-admin-tools
@ input-methods
@ legacy-x
@ x11
@ internet-browser
@ internet-applications
@ graphics
@ emacs
@ tex
@ remote-desktop-clients
@ virtualization
@ virtualization-client
@ scientific
@ office-suite
@ virtualization-platform
@ desktop-platform-devel
@ development
@ eclipse
@ server-platform-devel
@ technical-writing
@ additional-devel
@ openafs-client
# post installation part of the KickStart configuration file
# This section describes all the post-Anaconda steps to fine-tune the installation
# redirect the output to the log file
exec >/root/ks-post-anaconda.log 2>&1
# show the output on the 7th console
tail -f /root/ks-post-anaconda.log >/dev/tty7 &
# changing to VT 7 that we can see what's going on....
/usr/bin/chvt 7
# Set the correct time
/usr/sbin/ntpdate -bus ip-time-1 ip-time-2
/sbin/clock --systohc
# Tell our installation server the installation is over.
# otherwise PXE installs will loop all-over-again
# If you are not using PXE install: just ignore this section
/usr/bin/wget -O /root/aims2-deregistration.txt http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/aims2server/aims2reboot.cgi?pxetarget=localboot
# Save the Kickstart file for future reference
# Note: this assumes that the Kickstart-file uploaded to AIMS is called <hostname>.ks
shost=`/bin/hostname -s`
/usr/bin/wget -O /root/${shost}.ks --quiet http://linuxsoft.cern.ch/aims2server/aims2ks.cgi\?${shost}.ks
# Update the RPMs
/usr/bin/yum update -y --skip-broken
# Configuration steps, based on
# http://cern.ch/linux/scientific6/docs/install.shtml#manualpostinst
/usr/sbin/lcm --configure --all
# Add AFS client to system startup, and start it:
/sbin/chkconfig afs on
/sbin/service afs start
# Configure and start automatic update system:
/sbin/chkconfig --add yum-autoupdate
/sbin/service yum-autoupdate start
# Create accounts for LANdb-registered responsible and main users, give responsible
# root access, configure relevant printers
/usr/sbin/cern-config-users --setup-all
# Done
exit 0
