Create and Verify DNS SRV and A Records for Client Automatic Client Sign-in

Create and Verify DNS SRV and A Records for Client Automatic Client Sign-in

You must create DNS SRV records in your internal DNS for every SIP domain. The following procedure assumes that your internal DNS has zones for your SIP user domains.

clear.gif  To create a DNS SRV record

1. On the DNS server, click Start, click Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then clickDNS.i

2. in the console tree for your SIP domain, expand Forward Lookup Zones, and then right-click the SIP domain in which your Office Communications Server will be installed.

3. Click Other New Records.

4. In Select a resource record type, click Service Location (SRV), and then click Create Record.

5. Click Service, and then type _sipinternaltls.

6. Click Protocol, and then type _tcp.

7. Click Port Number, and then type 5061.

8. Click Host offering this service, and then type the FQDN of the Standard Edition Server.

9. Click OK.

10. Click Done.


After you have created the DNS SRV record, create a DNS A for the Standard Edition Server.

clear.gif  To create a DNS A record

1. On the DNS server, click Start, click Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then clickDNS.

2. In the console tree for your domain, expand Forward Lookup Zones, and then right-click the domain in which your Office Communications Server will be installed.

3. Click New Host (A).

4. Click Name (uses parent domain name if blank), and then type the name of the pool.

5. Click IP Address, and then enter the IP address of the Standard Edition Server.

6. Click Add Host, and then click OK.

7. Click Done.

To verify the creation of a DNS SRV record

1. Log on to a client computer in the domain with an account that is a member of the Administrators group or has equivalent permissions.

2.Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

3. At the command prompt, type nslookup, and then press ENTER.

4. Type set type=srv, and then press ENTER.

5. Type, and then press ENTER. The output displayed for the TLS record is as follows:

