FEKO 6.0 电磁仿真软件在 Linux下安装以及破解详细步骤(附下载地址和注册程序)


Intel/AMD (32-bit x86)

Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003)

feko_distrib_6.0_win32.exe (320 MByte)


feko_distrib_6.0_LINUX.tar.gz (392 MByte)

Intel/AMD (64-bit x86_64)

Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2)

feko_distrib_6.0_win64.exe (372 MByte)


Intel (64-bit XEON EM64T)


feko_distrib_6.0_LINUX_EM64T.tar.gz (362 MByte)

AMD (64-bit Opteron and Athlon)Linux

feko_distrib_6.0_LINUX_AMD64.tar.gz (319 MByte)


终端进入安装目录,执行 sudo ./INSTALL.SH,输入管理员密码,按以下步骤进行安装:




                        FEKO INSTALLATION




Welcome to the FEKO installation script forworkstations which will guide

you interactively step by step through theinstallation process.


This installation script will install FEKOon your system, or if previously

installed, it will perform an update ofFEKO saving the old files to a

backup directory. For a new installation,this installation script will

also assist you in collecting theinformation required to get your FEKO

license file.


  ---> Press return to continue







In order to continue with the FEKOinstallation, you have to accept

the FEKO licence agreement. This can befound in the file LICENCE.TXT

of the installation medium.


You have these choices now:


  1 =Show me this licence agreement now

  2 =I have read the licence agreement and accept it

  3 =I do not agree to the licence agreement


Please select [3] 2







  Fora parallel installation of FEKO on multiple nodes in the following

  acommand is required to run utilities on the other nodes, or in some

 cases also to copy files from this node to the other remote nodes (if

  nonetwork file system is used). You can choose either the traditional


 rsh/rcp commands (remsh under HP-UX), or the secure shell ssh/scp. The

  oneselected should already have been setup and should be working, but

 this will also be checked later.

  Youhave these choices now:


    1 = Cluster installation using ssh/scp

    2 = Cluster installation using rsh/rcp (remsh for HP-UX)

    3 = Install FEKO on a single node only (then no remote access

        or remote copying required)


 Please select [1] 1









Determining which MPI implementation to beused for this platform LINUX


  MPI is a parallel communication protocol usedfor parallel versions of FEKO

  butalso for multi-core CPUs and thus even for sequential licences this is

 made available (as a sequential licence of FEKO supports all cores ofyour



  ForLinux different communication protocols are supported for parallel

 FEKO versions:



   MPICH2 is a general MPI library supporting shared memory communication

   and Ethernet. The run-time environment is included as with the FEKO




   Alternatively, FEKO also provides Intel MPI (run-time environment

   included with the FEKO installation) which in addition to shared memory

   (e.g. for muli-core environments) or Ethernet also supportsinterconnects

   like Myrinet or Infiniband through suitable DAPL providers (for more

   details see the FEKO Installation Guide).



   When running FEKO on an SGI Altix, then also the highly optimised

   SGI MPT is supported by FEKO. This must be available on the system

   (i.e. not included with FEKO)



     Checking for  1 = MPICH2        ... found (part of FEKO installation)

     Checking for 11 = Intel MPI    ... found (part of FEKO installation)

     Checking for  4 = SGI MPT       ... ./INSTALL.SH: 5027: rpm: not found

NOT found



  Pleaseselect now which of these MPI implementations should be used.

 Typically the default is detected automatically and should be fine,

 i.e. just press return. You can also easily change this later manually,

  onejust has to change the value of FEKO_WHICH_MPI in the initfeko



 Please enter which MPI to use (1/4/11)? [11] 1






Determining the target path for theinstallation.

 Please enter the installation path for FEKO (use an absolute

 directory name, not variables such as $HOME or ~). To use the

 default just press return: [/opt/feko/6.0]


















export FEKO_HOME








 Usedlicence number:  Not available


 Machine codes for host"yhq-desktop":

          mach_code_01 of type 11: "STQTCFVNSLBDUOCJ"

          mach_code_02 of type  6: "E0CB4ED1E2E7"

          mach_code_03 of type  2:"7F0101"

          mach_code_04 of type  1:"79656B24585661565C5452"

          mach_code_05 of type












Linux 下,如果你写好了自己的动态链,需要在其它程序里用,需要让这些程序能找到动态链。如果置不,会出类似如下的错误


test: error while loading shared libraries:libhoops1812.so: cannot open shared object file: Nosuch file or directory

是因没有把动态链的安装路径(例如 /usr/local/lib )放到 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 里。


这时,可以用命令 export临时测试是不是问题


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib



接下来的问题是:以上做法,只是临时设 LD_LIBRARY_PATH ,下次开机,一切置将不复存在;如何把写到 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 里呢?


可以在 ~/.bashrc或者 ~/.bash_profile 中加入 export 句,前者在每次和每次打开 shell 取一次,后者只在登陆时读取一次。我的习惯是加到 ~/.bashrc 中,在文件的未尾,可采用如下句来使置生效:


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

