Catalyst 6509 - High CPU - Process ios-base



vss-6513#show processes cpu  | e 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 85%/49%; one minute: 69%; five minutes: 68%
PID       5Sec    1Min     5Min Process
1         0.0%    0.3%     0.3% kernel                       
3         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% devc-pty                     
4         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% devc-mistral.proc            
5         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% pipe                         
4102      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% dumper.proc                  
4103      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% pcmcia_driver.proc           
4104      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% bflash_driver.proc           
12297     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% mqueue                       
12298     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% flashfs_hes.proc             
12299     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% dfs_bootdisk.proc            
12300     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% ldcache.proc                 
12301     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% watchdog.proc                
12302     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% syslogd.proc                 
12303     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% name_svr.proc                
12304     0.1%    0.0%     0.0% wdsysmon.proc                
12305     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% sysmgr.proc                  
16386     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% chkptd.proc                  
16402     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% sysmgr.proc                  
16403     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% syslog_dev.proc              
16404     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% itrace_exec.proc             
16405     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% packet.proc                  
16406    78.0%   60.5%    59.9% ios-base                     
16407     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_rf.proc                
16408     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_rpc.proc               
16409     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_oir.proc               
16410     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_env.proc               
16411     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_cli.proc               
16412     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_metric_dir.proc           
16413     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_test.proc              
16414     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_snmp.proc              
16415     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_none.proc              
16416     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_intf.proc              
16417     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_track.proc             
16418     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_timer.proc             
16419     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_ioswd.proc             
16420     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_counter.proc           
16421     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_gold.proc              
16422     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_server.proc               
16423     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_policy_dir.proc           
16424     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% call_home.proc               
16425     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% ipfs_daemon.proc             
16426     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% fh_fd_config.proc            
16427     1.2%    1.3%     1.3% raw_ip.proc                  
16428     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% inetd.proc                   
16429     0.5%    0.4%     0.4% tcp.proc                     
16430     0.1%    0.2%     0.1% udp.proc                     
PID       5Sec    1Min     5Min Process
16431     4.8%    6.3%     6.0% iprouting.iosproc            
16432     0.5%    0.4%     0.4% cdp2.iosproc   



vss-6513#show processes cpu  detailed 16406
CPU utilization for five seconds: 84%/45%; one minute: 71%; five minutes: 69%
PID/TID   5Sec    1Min     5Min Process             Prio  STATE        CPU
16406    68.6%   59.6%    59.0% ios-base                               1h29m
          0.0%    0.0%     0.1% [dead threads]
      1   2.2%    2.1%     1.7%                       10  Receive     63.667
      2   1.0%    1.3%     1.3%                        5  Ready        3m17s
      3   3.9%    1.6%     1.9%                       10  Receive     89.528
      4   2.3%    3.0%     2.4%                       10  Receive      3m31s
      5   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%                       11  Nanosleep    0.449
      6  33.4%   32.3%    32.9%                       21  Intr        44m04s
      7   5.8%    3.4%     3.3%                       22  Intr         6m13s
      8   1.1%    1.1%     1.1%                       23  Intr         2m02s
      9   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%                       25  Intr         0.000
     10   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%                       10  Reply        0.623
     11   0.2%    0.2%     0.2%                       10  Receive     26.414
     12   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%                       10  Condvar      0.108
     13   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%                       20  Sigwaitin    0.000
     14   2.4%    1.6%     2.0%                       10  Receive      3m14s
     15   1.0%    1.6%     1.7%                       10  Receive      3m13s
     16   7.1%    3.1%     2.6%                       10  Reply        3m41s
     17   2.6%    2.5%     2.3%                       10  Receive     19.136
     18   2.5%    2.7%     2.6%                       10  Receive      3m46s
     21   1.1%    0.8%     0.7%                       10  Reply       11.918
     22   2.0%    2.3%     2.2%                       10  Receive      2m45s




vss-6513#remote login switch

vss-6513-sp#show processes cpu | e 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 72%/43%; one minute: 33%; five minutes: 29%
PID       5Sec    1Min     5Min Process
1        10.3%    1.9%     1.6% kernel                       
3         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% devc-pty                     
4         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% devc-mistral.proc            
5         0.0%    0.0%     0.0% pipe                         
4102      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% dumper.proc                  
4103      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% bflash_driver.proc           
8200      0.9%    1.0%     1.0% pcmcia_driver.proc           
8201      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% mqueue                       
8203      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% dfs_disk1.proc               
8204      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% dfs_disk0.proc               
8205      0.1%    0.1%     0.1% dfs_bootdisk.proc            
8206      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% ldcache.proc                 
8207      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% watchdog.proc                
8208      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% syslogd.proc                 
8209      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% name_svr.proc                
8210      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% wdsysmon.proc                
8211      0.0%    0.0%     0.0% sysmgr.proc                  
12290     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% chkptd.proc                  
12308     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% sysmgr.proc                  
12309     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% itrace_exec.proc             
12310     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% packet.proc                  
PID       5Sec    1Min     5Min Process
12311    63.0%   29.7%    26.4% ios-base                     
12312     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% tcp.proc                     
12313     0.0%    0.0%     0.0% udp.proc  



vss-6513#show version | in boot
System image file is "sup-bootdisk:s72033-adventerprisek9-vz.122-33.SXI3.bin"




This should be a SW bug.


A somewhat similar bug is the following:

CSCsy61956 Bug Details


Crash in ios-base when running 'show ip route' or 'show bgp' commands



A Cat6K running modular IOS version 12.2(33)SXI may crash when running 'sh ip route vrf ..' or 'show bgp ..' commands.


Must be running modular IOS. Not seen in non-modular







