Lotus Notes 8中OOO的一点问题

      前几天休年假期间在Lotus Notes里设置了"Out-of-Office”功能,回来上班以后就关闭了这功能。但是接下来连续几天,我每天都仍然收到Domino服务器发来的提醒,让我关闭"Out-of-Office”。发邮件给邮件管理员,才得知在Lotus Notes 8以后,Domino服务器端就增加了一个OOO服务(service),原来只有在Notes客户端(通过其改变用户邮件数据库)有OOO代理(Agent)。现在OOO服务和代理并存,有时设置不当会造成以上问题。邮件管理员在Lotus Notes Designer中关闭了我邮件文件的OOO代理就解决问题了。在View �C> Agent中,用户可以查看Agent的状态:
"I have fixed the issue with your OOO agent.  In the 8 version they switched the OOO from an agent (run in the client) to a service run on the servers.  We sometimes see that the agent gets enabled and then can not be disabled by the user.  I had to go into the designer client and disable the agent in your mail file.  From here forward whenever you enable your OOO, it should enable the service and disable the service without issue. “
The features of Out of Office service versus agent
Functionality Service Agent
Response time Instant response Every six hours (default)
Support for failover? Yes No
Disabling Disabled automatically Disabled manually
Minimum duration length One hour One day
Delegation Supports delegation with Access Control List (ACL) Supports delegation with ACL + agent security
Depends upon agent security? No Yes

本文出自 “面朝大海,春暖花开” 博客,谢绝转载!
