MD duanwf 23742 CDR_CALL_YYYYMMDD /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/T141015001_20141014.avl & fetch first 100000 rows only
最后的“fetch first 100000 rows only”为第七个参数,但是识别的时候只获取到fetch,日志如下:
2014-10-15 17:51:59 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:70 - Run Command: /home/duanwf/workspace/shell2.sh MD duanwf 23742 CDR_CALL_YYYYMMDD /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/T141015001_20141014.avl & fetch first 100000 rows only 2014-10-15 17:51:59 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - execute sql ................. 2014-10-15 17:51:59 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - Begin to export the data: 2014-10-15 17:51:59 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-17:51:59 ====================connect to MD======================= 2014-10-15 17:51:59 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-17:51:59 db2 connect to MD user duanwf 2014-10-15 17:52:01 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-17:52:01 Succeed connect to MD 2014-10-15 17:52:01 [Thread-9] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-17:52:01 export to /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/T141015001_20141014.avl of del modified by nochardel codepage=1208 COLDEL& select * from CDR_CALL_YYYYMMDD fetch:
可以通过$@命令来处理,即将$7换成echo ${@:7},这样将自动识别到的第7个开始,全部获取到作为最后第7个参数,参数获取改为:
2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:57 - Export Parameters: MD duanwf 23742 ST_ZGD_SCOPE_RSFR_GR_DM_201409 /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/M141015003_201409.avl & fetch first 100000 rows only 2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:70 - Run Command: /home/duanwf/workspace/shell/db2.sh MD duanwf 23742 ST_ZGD_SCOPE_RSFR_GR_DM_201409 /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/M141015003_201409.avl & fetch first 100000 rows only 2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - execute sql ................. 2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - Begin to export the data: 2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-23:36:05 ====================connect to MD======================= 2014-10-15 23:36:05 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-23:36:05 db2 connect to MD user duanwf 2014-10-15 23:36:08 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-23:36:08 Succeed connect to MD 2014-10-15 23:36:08 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - \n2014/10/15-23:36:08 export to /home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/M141015003_201409.avl of del modified by nochardel codepage=1208 COLDEL& select * from ST_ZGD_SCOPE_RSFR_GR_DM_201409 fetch first 100000 rows only: 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - SQL3104N EXPORT 实用程序 正在开始将数据导出至文件 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - "/home/duanwf/asiainfo/export/M141015003_201409.avl"。 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - SQL3105N Export 实用程序已经完成导出 "12742" 行。 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - 2014-10-15 23:36:09 [Thread-2] INFO com.asiainfo.dmp.proc.ExportDataServiceDB2.ExportData:78 - 导出的行数:12742
<--------------------------------- 我是华丽的分割线 --------------------------------->
在Shell中,调用函数时可以向其传递参数。在函数体内部,通过 $n 的形式来获取参数的值,例如,$1表示第一个参数,$2表示第二个参数...
#!/bin/bash funWithParam(){ echo "The value of the first parameter is $1 !" echo "The value of the second parameter is $2 !" echo "The value of the tenth parameter is $10 !" echo "The value of the tenth parameter is ${10} !" echo "The value of the eleventh parameter is ${11} !" echo "The amount of the parameters is $# !" echo "The string of the parameters is $* !" } funWithParam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 34 73
The value of the first parameter is 1 ! The value of the second parameter is 2 ! The value of the tenth parameter is 10 ! The value of the tenth parameter is 34 ! The value of the eleventh parameter is 73 ! The amount of the parameters is 12 ! The string of the parameters is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 34 73 !"
注意,$10 不能获取第十个参数,获取第十个参数需要${10}。当n>=10时,需要使用${n}来获取参数。
参数处理 | 说明 |
$# | 传递到脚本的参数个数 |
$* | 以一个单字符串显示所有向脚本传递的参数 |
$$ | 脚本运行的当前进程ID号 |
$! | 后台运行的最后一个进程的ID号 |
$@ | 与$#相同,但是使用时加引号,并在引号中返回每个参数。 |
$- | 显示Shell使用的当前选项,与set命令功能相同。 |
$? | 显示最后命令的退出状态。0表示没有错误,其他任何值表明有错误。 |