我们知道,第一次运行openCMS需要做配置,配置的请求URL是:http://localhost:8080/opencms/setup/ ,但是运行第一次之后就不可以运行第二次了,理由是在安装过程中,它会去调用CmsSetupBean类的prepareSetup10()方法:
/** * Prepares step 10 of the setup wizard.<p> */ publicvoidprepareStep10() { if (isInitialized()) { // lock the wizard for further use lockWizard(); // save Properties to file "opencms.properties" saveProperties(getProperties(),CmsSystemInfo.FILE_PROPERTIES, false); setSchemaGeneration(false); m_peristenceConfigurator.save(); } }
publicvoidlockWizard() { setExtProperty("wizard.enabled", CmsStringUtil.FALSE); }
# # Enable/Disable OpenCms Setup Wizard # The wizard sets the flag to false after the setup. # To use the wizard again, reset it manually to true. # By setting no value, wizard can always be used. ################################################################################# wizard.enabled=false
/** * Performs the setup.<p> * @throws Exception */ publicvoidrun() throwsException { if (m_bean.getWizardEnabled()) { longtimeStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); CmsSetupTests setupTests = new CmsSetupTests(); … } }
安装亮点2: 正确设置max_allowed_packet这个mysql系统变量的大小。
/** * Returns an optional warning message ifneeded, <code>null</code> if not.<p> * * @param db the selected database key * * @return html warning, or <code>null</code> if no warning */ publicString checkVariables(String db) { StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(512); if (m_con == null){ return null; // prior error,trying to get a connection } Exception exception = null; if (db.equals("mysql")){ String statement = "SELECT @@max_allowed_packet;"; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; longmaxAllowedPacket = 0; try { stmt = m_con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(statement); if (rs.next()) { maxAllowedPacket = rs.getLong(1); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { if (stmt != null){ try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } } } if (exception == null){ intmegabyte = 1024 * 1024; if (maxAllowedPacket > 0) { html.append("<p>MySQL system variable <code>'max_allowed_packet'</code>is set to "); html.append(maxAllowedPacket); html.append(" Byte ("); html.append((maxAllowedPacket / megabyte) + "MB).</p>\n"); } html.append("<p>Please note that it will not be possible for OpenCms tohandle files bigger than this value in the VFS.</p>\n"); intrequiredMaxAllowdPacket = 16; if (maxAllowedPacket < (requiredMaxAllowdPacket * megabyte)){ m_errors.add("<p><b>Your <code>'max_allowed_packet'</code>variable is set to less than " + (requiredMaxAllowdPacket* megabyte) + " Byte(" + requiredMaxAllowdPacket + "MB).</b></p>\n" + "<p>The required value for running OpenCms isat least " + requiredMaxAllowdPacket + "MB." + "Please change your MySQL configuration (in the<code>my.ini</code> or <code>my.cnf</code>file).</p>\n"); } } else { html.append("<p><i>OpenCms was not able to detect the value of your<code>'max_allowed_packet'</code>variable.</i></p>\n"); html.append("<p>Please note that it will not be possible for OpenCms tohandle files bigger than this value.</p>\n"); html.append("<p><b>The recommended value for running OpenCms is 16MB,please set it in your MySQL configuration (in your<code>my.ini</code> or <code>my.cnf</code>file).</b></p>\n"); html.append(CmsException.getStackTraceAsString(exception)); } } if (html.length() == 0) { return null; } return html.toString(); }
从这里可以看出,对于数据库是mysql的情形,它会先去执行数据库查询读取max_allowed_packet的值,这个变量主要让mysql限制服务器接受的单个数据包的大小(因为在openCMS中,经常要存富文本内容,所以这个值还是要设置大点为好),并且如果它<16MB, 则报错our max_allowed_packet variable is set to less than 16MB。而默认的mysql这个值配置是4MB,所以第一次setup出错。我们在my.ini中将其改为30MB,这样才过了这关: