
1,Where does StAX fit in with its sister API for processing XML documents?
    ----作为程序员,我们经常碰到新技术出现.一看到新技术,我们不不禁会问"这个技术主要是解决什么问题的?与那些现有的技术有什么联系?",这时我们就可以用"Where does StAX fit in with its sister API for processing XML documents?"来表达我们的情感了.
2,Let's get grounded in StAX before we make comparisons.
    ----身为程序员,经常会浮躁.本来就是嘛,人生在世,酸甜苦辣,沉浮得失在所难免,浮躁,浮躁一来,自己一下就没了根据地,像被架起来一样.不过,不是总有那么一句话么,"有技术,没约束". 于是我们有助于"Technology can help us get grouded".
3,While StAX is an option to consider versus DOM (Document Object Model), SAX (Simple API for XML) and TrAX (Transformation API for XML), within StAX itself, there are options to consider.
