


[root@centos ~]# ./bonding-tool
        Setup bonding network ,just for RHEL and CentOS
        Copyright (c) 2011 K.C .
        E-mail:[email protected]
        Version 1.0
               1) Just support for 2 NICs .

This is a tool to modify the network, run a relay network may bring, whether to continue?(yes/no,default no)yes

Please provide the IP configuration item information. 
You can choose to enter yourself or automatic read form the configuration file of nic.
Are you enter the IP information yourself?(yes or no,default no) 
This machine have 2 NICs.Please choose a NIC configure file to continue.(E.G: eth1 )eth0

        说明:mode 的值表示工作模式,他共有0,1,2,3,4,5,6 七种模式,常用的为0,1 两种。   
        mode=0 表示load balancing (round-robin)为负载均衡方式,两块网卡都工作。   
        mode=1 表示fault-tolerance (active-backup)提供冗余功能,工作方式是主备的工作方式,也就
        的链路down掉了,而交换机本身并没有故障,那么 bonding会认为链路没有问题而继续使
        详细请查看 http://www.schalley.eu/2010/10/05/linux-bonding-modes/
        Please enter the mode you want to use.(E.G: 0,default 0)0
