
Moving the Boot Files

This is not so hard as it might seem. We use a slightly modified version of the normal BDEHDCfg.vbs script to do this. Although when it runs you see an error in the BDD.log file saying it wanted to reboot but OSD blocked it. That is fine. The boot files have been moved to the system partition and the partition marked as active.

Re-Boot and start BitLocker

So this gets pretty complex and even, may I say, a little messy. I have already covered off forcing OSD to reboot in a previous blog. We are now going to build on that process. In the previous post I described how we setup the system to autologon and run a job to reboot the system. Now we need to go one step further and have it run a script once it has rebooted. We have to copy the script down from the framework location (on the SMS Deployment Point Server) to a location on the hard disk that will not get deleted when OSD completes. In fact we need everything that will be required post reboot to be on the local hard disk. Remember OSD has completed so there is no BDD/MDT framework to use any more. In the previous blog post the second script that ran cleaned out the auto-logon entries before forcing the reboot - we need to do other things. So in the second script configure the system to run the third script once the machine has logged back on. This carries out all the tasks we need to initialise BitLocker running. Once BitLocker has started running we reboot the system again.
NOTE: We changed the shell at reboot to be the third script - this helps to make to solution a bit more secure in that there is no desktop for the user to interact with. However while you are developing the solution you might want to place a shortcut in the start up folder as this will make debugging easier. We also show a warning dialogue on the screen, BuildWarning.hta, informing the user that the system is still building.

Scripts and Task Sequence

Partitioning the disk

Because we needed to support an OEM solution we re-worked the disk partitioning script quite a bit. The script ZTIDiskPartOSD.wsf, in the zip linked below, actually has to be run twice. Each time it is run you need to specify a switch on the command line. This switch tells it if it is going to create the OS partition or the BitLocker partition. So in your task sequence you need to create two tasks - one to create the OS partition to other to create the BitLocker Partition. The screen shot below shows the two task sequences. The zipped file, link at the end of this post, has a file TS-snippets.txt that contains these two steps that you can cut and paste into your task sequence.
NOTE: You could use the normal script that comes with BDD however you still need to make sure this writes to a network location.
So now we have the two partitions created. The OS image is laid down onto the disk and mini-setup runs before rebooting to start the Zerotouch part of setup.现在我们已经创建好两个任务。OS镜像已经应用到硬盘上,mini-setup在重启之前运行来开始Zero投产安装
