子系统全部由SRC(Resource System Controller)系统资源控制器
-bash-3.00$ ps -ef|grep srcmstr //查看SRC的守护进程
root 204974 1 0 Jan 03 - 0:02 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
enjoygoo 2261074 1949916 0 15:31:29 pts/92 0:00 grep srcmstr //srcmstr在进程/etc/inittab文件中一条记录
-bash-3.00$ cat /etc/inittab |grep srcmstr
srcmstr:23456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr # System Resource Controller//这条就是记录
如果没有这条可以用mkitab -i fbcheck "srcmstr:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr"
-bash-3.00$ lssrc -a //查看子系统、子系统组或子服务的状态。
Subsystem//子系统名字 Group//子系统所属的子系统组 PID//这个子系统的进程号 Status//状态
muxatmd tcpip 106652 active//表示子系统正常运行
biod nfs 221374 active
writesrv spooler 245896 active
sshd ssh 233648 active
ctrmc rsct 110810 active
IBM.CSMAgentRM rsct_rm 217096 active
IBM.ServiceRM rsct_rm 196802 active
qdaemon spooler inoperative//表示系统没有运行。
lpd spooler inoperative
LUMlmd lumls inoperative
LUMgdb lumls inoperative
inetd tcpip inoperative
rwhod tcpip inoperative
syslogd ras inoperative
xntpd tcpip inoperative
sendmail mail inoperative
snmpd tcpip inoperative
aixmibd tcpip inoperative
hostmibd tcpip inoperative
snmpmibd tcpip inoperative
dpid2 tcpip inoperative
portmap portmap inoperative
dhcpcd tcpip inoperative
dhcpcd6 tcpip inoperative
ndpd-host tcpip inoperative
ndpd-router tcpip inoperative
tftpd tcpip inoperative
gated tcpip inoperative
named tcpip inoperative
routed tcpip inoperative
iptrace tcpip inoperative
timed tcpip inoperative
dhcpsd tcpip inoperative
dhcpsdv6 tcpip inoperative
dhcprd tcpip inoperative
mrouted tcpip inoperative
rsvpd qos inoperative
policyd qos inoperative
pxed tcpip inoperative
binld tcpip inoperative
dfpd tcpip inoperative
keyserv keyserv inoperative
ypbind yp inoperative
nfsd nfs inoperative
rpc.mountd nfs inoperative
automountd autofs inoperative
nfsrgyd nfs inoperative
gssd nfs inoperative
llbd iforncs inoperative
glbd iforncs inoperative
cpsd ike inoperative
tmd ike inoperative
isakmpd ike inoperative
cdromd inoperative
i4lmd iforls inoperative
i4glbcd iforncs inoperative
i4gdb iforls inoperative
i4llmd iforls inoperative
nimsh nimclient inoperative
ctcas rsct inoperative
vert_serv nrd inoperative
dtsrc inoperative
wsmrefserver inoperative
IBM.ERRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.AuditRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.HostRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.SensorRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.FSRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.ConfigRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.LPRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.WLMRM rsct_rm inoperative
rpc.lockd nfs inoperative
rpc.statd nfs inoperative
0513-039 Usage is one of: //lssrc语法如下。
lssrc [-h host] -a
lssrc [-h host] -g group_name
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -s subsystem_name
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -p subsystem_pid
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid]
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid]
lssrc -S [-s subsystem_name | -d ]
lssrc -T [-t subserver_type]
lssrc -N [-n notify_name]
-bash-3.00$ lssrc -g tcpip//查看本地tcpip子系统组的状态。
Subsystem Group PID Status
muxatmd tcpip 106652 active
inetd tcpip inoperative
rwhod tcpip inoperative
xntpd tcpip inoperative
snmpd tcpip inoperative
aixmibd tcpip inoperative
hostmibd tcpip inoperative
snmpmibd tcpip inoperative
dpid2 tcpip inoperative
dhcpcd tcpip inoperative
dhcpcd6 tcpip inoperative
ndpd-host tcpip inoperative
ndpd-router tcpip inoperative
tftpd tcpip inoperative
gated tcpip inoperative
named tcpip inoperative
routed tcpip inoperative
iptrace tcpip inoperative
timed tcpip inoperative
dhcpsd tcpip inoperative
dhcpsdv6 tcpip inoperative
dhcprd tcpip inoperative
mrouted tcpip inoperative
pxed tcpip inoperative
binld tcpip inoperative
dfpd tcpip inoperative
startsrc [ -a Argument] [ -e Environment] [ -h Host] { -s Subsystem | -g Group}
To Start a Subserver
startsrc [ -h Host] -t Type [ -o Object] [ -p SubsystemPID]
-bash-3.00$ startsrc -g nfs
-bash-3.00$ startsrc -s httpd
也可以用smit startssys来启动子系统
Start a Subsystem
Type or select a value for the entry field.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Subsystem Name +
To Stop a Subsystem
stopsrc [ -h Host] [ -f | -c] { -a | -g Group | -p SubsystemPID | -s Subsystem }
To Stop a Subserver
stopsrc [ -h Host] [ -f] -t Type [ -p SubsystemPID] [ -P SubserverPID | -o Object]
-bash-3.00$ stopsrc -a//停止所有子系统
还可以用smit stopssys
Stop Subsystem
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Stop a Single Subsystem
Stop All Subsystems
refresh [ -h Host] { -g Group| -p SubsystemPID| -s Subsystem}
-bash-3.00$ refresh -s inetd//重启子系统inetd进程。
也可以用smit refresh
Refresh a Subsystem
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Subsystem PROCESS ID
重新启动web服务器,#refresh -s httpd
traceson [ -h Host] [ -l] { -g Group | -p SubsystemPID| -s Subsystem}
traceson [ -h Host] [ -l] -t Type [ -o Object] [ -p SubsystemPID] [ -P SubserverPID]
-bash-3.00$ smit tracessyson//用tracessyson启动traceson
Start Trace
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Subsystem PROCESS ID +
Trace TYPE short
tracesoff [ -h Host] { -g Group | -p SubsystemPID | -s Subsystem}
tracesoff [ -h Host] -t Type [ -p SubsystemPID] { -o Object | -P SubserverPID}
#smit tracessysoff//用smit启动tracesoff命令。
Stop Trace
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Subsystem PROCESS ID