
选择使用 Google Talk的朋友可能大多数是因为它的简单直接。但是有时候又觉得它简单了,比如在线状态,就只有”忙碌”和”在线”,不像QQ那丰富。
现在有了一个解决方案, galwaysidle可以为你的Gtalk增加两种状态”始终闲置’或’从来不闲置’ 。当你的状态设置为’始终闲置’ 的时候,即使你坐在电脑前打字电子邮件和发送多媒体,你的好友所看到的状态也是闲置。galwaysidle可以运行于Windows XP和 Vista中,不过可惜的是不支持64位操作系统。
注:不支持中文版本的gtalk,请下载 英文版本gtalk
1. How to activate Always Idle
Use your mouse to right-click on the Google Talk icon in your notification area, and you will see several additional options available. Select ‘Always Idle’ from the menu to activate this feature.

2. How to deactivate Always Idle

Similar to activating Always Idle, you can deactivate it by selecting ‘Normal Idle’ or ‘Never Idle’, depending on the type of behavior you want. To permanently remove gAlwaysIdle from your computer, you can select gAlwaysIdle from your Add/Remove Programs control panel and click Remove.
