
Press (Shift+O) to Sort field via field letter, for example press ‘a‘ letter to sort process with PID (Process ID).

Type any key to return to main top window with sorted PID order as shown in below screen. Press ‘q‘ to quit exit the window.

Use top command with ‘u‘ option will display specific User process details.

Press ‘z‘ option in running top command will display running process in color which may help you to identified running process easily.

Press ‘c‘ option in running top command, it will display absolute path of running process.

By default screen refresh interval is 3.0 seconds, same can be change pressing ‘d‘ option in running top command and change it as desired as shown below.

You can kill a process after finding PID of process by pressing ‘k‘ option in running top command without exiting from top window as shown below.

You can use ‘r‘ option to change the priority of the process also called Renice.

Press (Shift+W) to save the running top command results under /root/.toprc.

本文出自 “Linux运维” 博客,谢绝转载!
