用python连接中控考勤机。 下载并分析数据,把结果邮件给人事。
中控SDK包: x32地址 x64地址
SDK包建议用32位的,在win7 64位系统上用64位开发包不行,用32可以。
python还要pywin32 注意版本,我这用的 32位的python 2.7 然后下的这个pywin32
excel 用了 xlsxwriter 这个功能不错
#!/usr/bin/env python #_*_ coding:gbk _*_ import win32com.client import datetime import xlsxwriter import sys import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.image import MIMEImage non = {21:"niu.niu", } #非研发人员 no_checkin = [1,34,35,36,23,40] #不计考勤人员 def send_mail(filename=[], picname=[], content_txt='', content_html=''): smtpserver = 'smtp.163.com' username = '[email protected]' password = '123123' msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = 'Check_In %s' % today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") msg['From'] = "[email protected]" msg['To'] = "[email protected]" # attchment if len(filename) > 0: for i in filename: att = MIMEText(open(i, 'rb').read(), 'base64', 'gb2312') att["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream' att["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % i.split('\\')[-1] msg.attach(att) # attchment picture if len(picname) > 0 and content_html != '': for i in range(0,len(picname)): #content_html = '<b>Some <i>HTML</i> text</b> and an image.<br><img src="cid:image%s"><br>good!' % i msg_content_html = MIMEText(content_html,'html','gb2312') msg.attach(msg_content_html) with open(picname[i], 'rb') as f: msgImage = MIMEImage(f.read()) msgImage.add_header('Content-ID', '<image%s>' % (i + 1)) msg.attach(msgImage) # content text if content_txt != '': msg_content_txt = MIMEText(content_txt,_subtype='plain',_charset='gb2312') msg.attach(msg_content_txt) # content html if content_html != '' and len(picname) == 0: msg_content_html = MIMEText(content_html,_subtype='html',_charset='gb2312') msg.attach(msg_content_html) smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect(smtpserver) smtp.starttls() smtp.login(username, password) smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() zk = win32com.client.Dispatch('zkemkeeper.ZKEM.1') if not zk.Connect_Net('', 4370): print "Connect Error" sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 2: #如果以 ./script 2015-11-22 这样的方式运行,可以指定别的星期 today = datetime.datetime.strptime( sys.argv[1] + " 11:22:33", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: today = datetime.datetime.now() zk.SetDeviceTime(1) #set pc time if datetime.datetime.now().weekday() != 0: zk.Disconnect() sys.exit(1) zk.ReadAllUserID(1) uid = {} while 1: exists, idNum, username, other, privilege, enable = zk.GetAllUserInfo(1) if not exists: break else: if enable: uid[idNum] = username.split(u'\x00')[0].encode('gbk') checkin,uid_name = {}, [] if len(sys.argv) == 1: log = open(today.strftime("D:\\CheckIn\\bak\\%Y-%m-%d.txt"), "w") if zk.ReadGeneralLogData(1): #read All checkin data while 1: exists, machNum, idNum, emachNum, verifyMode, outMode, year, month, day, hour, minute = zk.GetGeneralLogData(1) #2 if year <= today.year: if 0 < (datetime.date(today.year,today.month,today.day) - datetime.date(year,month,day)).days < 8: if len(sys.argv) == 1: log.write("%s-%s-%s %02d:%02d %s %s\n" % (year,month,day,hour,minute,uid.get(idNum,"ERROR"),idNum)) if idNum not in uid: continue if day not in checkin: checkin[day] = {} try: checkin[day][idNum].append(hour * 60 + minute) except: checkin[day][idNum] = [hour * 60 + minute] else: break if len(sys.argv) == 1: log.close() zk.Disconnect() if len(sys.argv) == 1: #自动运行保存指定位置 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(today.strftime("D:\\CheckIn\\xlsx\\%Y-%m-%d.xlsx")) else: workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d.xlsx")) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("WeekAll") worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 10) format1 = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': '#FFC7CE'}) sheet = {} uid_name = sorted(uid.keys()) for i in range(8,0,-1): dayNum = (today - datetime.timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") n = 0 if i < 8: worksheet.write(8-i, n, dayNum) sheet[8-i] = workbook.add_worksheet(dayNum) worksheet.write_url(row=8-i,col=0,url="internal:'%s'!A1" % dayNum, string=dayNum, tip=dayNum) sheet[8-i].write(0,0,"Name") sheet[8-i].write(0,1,"AM") sheet[8-i].write(0,2,"PM") sheet[8-i].write(0,3,"Time") dayNum = int(dayNum.split('-')[-1]) for col in uid_name: work_time = 9 if col in no_checkin: #不需要统计考勤 continue n += 1 if i == 8: worksheet.write(8-i, n, uid[col].decode('gbk')) continue sheet[8-i].write(n, 0, uid[col].decode('gbk')) if dayNum not in checkin or col not in checkin[dayNum]: continue if len(checkin[dayNum][col]) < 2 and i > 2: sheet[8-i].write(n, 3, 0, format1) worksheet.write(8-i, n, 0, format1) am = checkin[dayNum][col][0] pm = 0 else: min_time = am = min(checkin[dayNum][col]) max_time = pm = max(checkin[dayNum][col]) if min_time < 510: #最早从8:30 计考勤 min_time = 510 elif col not in non and 570 < min_time <= 600: #研发9:30后,10:00以前,算两倍。 if (min_time-570) * 2 <= 30: work_time += 0.5 else: work_time += 1 dayTime = max_time - min_time #当天工作时间 if dayTime%60 >= 45: dayTime = dayTime//60 + 1 elif 15 <= dayTime%60 < 45: dayTime = dayTime//60 + 0.5 else: dayTime = dayTime//60 if (col in non and min_time > 540) and i > 2: #非研发过 9 点算迟到 sheet[8-i].write(n, 3, dayTime, format1) worksheet.write(8-i, n, dayTime, format1) elif (col not in non and min_time > 600) and i > 2: #研发过 10 点算迟到 sheet[8-i].write(n, 3, dayTime, format1) worksheet.write(8-i, n, dayTime, format1) elif dayTime < work_time and i > 2: #时间不够未到工作时间 sheet[8-i].write(n, 3, dayTime, format1) worksheet.write(8-i, n, dayTime, format1) else: worksheet.write(8-i, n, dayTime) sheet[8-i].write(n, 3, dayTime) #添加批注 if pm: worksheet.write_comment(8-i, n, 'AM %02d:%02d\nPM %02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60, pm//60, pm%60)) sheet[8-i].write(n, 1, '%02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60)) sheet[8-i].write(n, 2, '%02d:%02d' % (pm//60, pm%60)) else: if am < 720: worksheet.write_comment(8-i, n, 'AM %02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60)) sheet[8-i].write(n, 1, '%02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60)) else: worksheet.write_comment(8-i, n, 'PM %02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60)) sheet[8-i].write(n, 2, '%02d:%02d' % (am//60, am%60)) workbook.close() if len(sys.argv) == 1: send_mail(filename=[today.strftime("D:\\CheckIn\\xlsx\\%Y-%m-%d.xlsx")], content_txt='Check_In %s' % today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))