dev virt

I am provisioning virt, it stucks at "infra-svcs did not return any hosts records... sleep for 1hxxmxxs" I have been waiting for weeks for any returns. but still no luck. I attached screen shot for the problem,  

I have raised several tickets for this, but no luck following the instruction:

""""""It looks like your DNS records have synced since you raised this ticket

We see this happen sometimes as DNS is taking longer than usual at the moment

Please restart your VM and resume the provisioning process. Please make sure you select option 2 to use the existing hostname, NOT a new one (as this will make you wait for DNS to sync again)""""

TT 0057170829


Stale DNS record has been removed, please wait for the next sync, this can take anytime from next 30 minutes to 24 hours(sometimes more) depending on site configuration

Please DO NOT proceed any further, I will let you know once this is synched



Please reboot your Virt and select EXISTING option  

