CRS-0215: Could not start resource '' [ID 356535.1]

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Server Enterprise Edition - Version: to


The command : crs_stat -t output shows VIP is offline and trying to start it gives error :
CRS-0215: Could not start resource ''.

Example: crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....st2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE dbtest2
ora....st2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE dbtest2 application ONLINE OFFLINE

# ./srvctl start nodeapps -n dbtest2 eri0 checked failed (host=dbtest2) to start VIP (host=dbtest2) eri0 checked failed (host=dbtest2) to start VIP (host=dbtest2)
CRS-1006: No more members to consider
CRS-0215: Could not start resource ''.
CRS-0210: Could not find resource ora.dbtest2.LISTENER_DBTEST2.lsnr.

To know what is the nodeapps configuration in particular for VIP,
issue the command: srvctl config nodeapps -n <nodename> -a -g -s -l
/u01/crs/bin/srvctl config nodeapps -n dbtest2 -a -g -s -l
VIP exists.: /dbtest2-vip/
GSD exists.
ONS daemon exists.
Listener does not exist.

Further debug it by uncommenting the environment variable _USR_ORA_DEBUG=1 in the script $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/racgvip
OR simply as root user, issue the command : crsctl debug log res ""
You may turn off debugging with command : crsctl debug log res ""
Start the VIP using srvctl start nodeapps again. This will create a log for VIP starting problem for 10.2 and above version
in directory $ORA_CRS_HOME/log/<nodename>/racg/*vip.log


Example: last lines of the *.vip.log shows -
2005-02-09 20:38:06.711: [    RACG][1] [5602][1][]: 203800 [ 5604 ] Checking interface existance
203800 [ 5604 ] Calling getifbyip
203800 [ 5604 ] getifbyip:  started for
203800 [ 5604 ] getifbyip: returning IF eri0:1
203800 [ 5604 ] Completed getifbyip eri0:1
203801 [ 5604 ] Completed with in
2005-02-09 20:38:06.711: [    RACG][1] [5602][1][]: itial interface test
203801 [ 5604 ] checkIf: start for if=eri0
203801 [ 5604 ] checkIf: -z defaultgw
203801 [ 5604 ] defaultgw:  started
203801 [ 5604 ] defaultgw:  completed with
203801 [ 5604 ] checkIf: -n defaultgw
203804 [ 5604 ] checkIf:
2005-02-09 20:38:06.711: [    RACG][1] [5602][1][]: in while, before sleep
203805 [ 5604 ] checkIf: in while, before sleep
203806 [ 5604 ] checkIf: checked if=eri0 failed
Interface eri0 checked failed (host=dbtest2)
203806 [ 5604 ] checkIf: end for if=eri0
203806 [ 5604 ] Performing CRS_STAT testing
2005-02-09 20:38:06.711: [    RACG][1] [5602][1][]:  [ 5604 ] Completed CRS_STAT testing
203806 [ 5604 ] Completed second gateway test
203806 [ 5604 ] Interface tests

    Failed to start VIP (host=dbtest2)                 

From above we see the VIP: is correct however oracle function checkIf
failing when trying to reach the default gateway IP:


  • Either the default gateway has got changed to someother IP -or-
  • It is on a different network from the client (the network where the VIP is configured on) -or-
  • It is not being used anymore.


By default, the server's default gateway is used as a ping target during the Oracle RAC 10g VIP status check action.
Upon a ping failure, Oracle will decide that the current interface where the VIP is running has failed, and will initiate
an interface / internode VIP failover.

In above case, we used just one node for CRS installation, so the VIP coudn't failover to other nodes and thus reported additional error like :
CRS-1006: No more members to consider
CRS-0215: Could not start resource ''.

Solution and above introduced a parameter FAIL_WHEN_DEFAULTGW_NOT_FOUND in the file
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/racvip to address this problem.

The following steps will fix the VIP starting problem for above mentioned scenario.

1- stop nodeapps
2- As root,
vi the script $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/racgvip and change the value of
3- start nodeapps and you should see the resources ONLINE

You may proceed with netca and dbca to create a RAC database after this.

