1. Connect as SYS schema in sqlplus
2. Create package hOut as described in Note 101468.1
3. Create package hcheck in SYS schema (Refer the attachment under SCRIPT to Create package hcheck
4. spool outputfile
5. execute hcheck.full 6. Output will go to the spool file and the session trace file. The script will report various dictionary related issues which may or may not be a problem - Any problems reported should be reviewed by an experienced support analyst as some reported "problems" may be normal and expected.
SQL> conn /@test01 as sysdba
SQL> create or replace package hOut as
2 --
3 -- Output options - change these to default as required
4 -- You can override them at run time if required.
5 --
6 TO_DBMS_OUTPUT boolean := TRUE; -- Send output to DBMS_OUTPUT
7 TO_USER_TRACE boolean := TRUE; -- Send output to user trace file
8 IGNORE_ERRORS boolean := TRUE; -- Ignore DBMS_OUTPUT errors if
9 -- also writing to the trace file
10 --
11 -- Output methods
12 --
13 procedure put_line(txt varchar2);
14 procedure put(txt varchar2);
15 procedure new_line;
16 procedure wrap(txt varchar2, linelen number default 78);
17 procedure rule_off;
18 --
19 end hOut;
20 /
SQL> show errors
SQL> create or replace package body hOut as
2 -- 7.3 has problems with ksdwrt as it uses the wrong length info
3 -- putting nonsense on the end of lines.
4 -- As a workaround we copy the text to a TMP varchar, append a chr(0)
5 -- then reset the length back so we have an hidden chr(0) at the end
6 -- of the string.
7 tmp varchar2(2001);
8 --
10 pragma exception_init(APP_EXCEPTION, -20000);
11 --
12 procedure put_line(txt varchar2) is
13 begin
14 tmp:=txt||chr(0);
15 tmp:=txt;
16 if TO_DBMS_OUTPUT then
17 begin
18 dbms_output.put_line(txt);
19 exception
20 when APP_EXCEPTION then
21 -- If DBMS_OUTPUT is full then carry on if we are writing to
22 -- the trace file and ignoring errors, otherwise error now
24 begin
25 dbms_output.put_line('[TRUNCATED]');
26 exception
27 when APP_EXCEPTION then
28 null;
29 end;
30 else
31 raise;
32 end if;
33 end;
34 end if;
35 if TO_USER_TRACE then
36 dbms_system.ksdwrt(1,tmp);
37 end if;
38 end;
39 --
40 procedure put(txt varchar2) is
41 begin
42 tmp:=txt||chr(0);
43 tmp:=txt;
44 if TO_DBMS_OUTPUT then
45 begin
46 dbms_output.put(txt);
47 exception
48 when APP_EXCEPTION then
49 -- If DBMS_OUTPUT is full then carry on if we are writing to
50 -- the trace file and ignoring errors, otherwise error now
52 begin
53 dbms_output.put('[TRUNCATED]');
54 exception
55 when APP_EXCEPTION then
56 null;
57 end;
58 else
59 raise;
60 end if;
61 end;
62 end if;
63 if TO_USER_TRACE then
64 dbms_system.ksdwrt(1,tmp);
65 end if;
66 end;
67 --
68 procedure new_line is
69 begin
70 if TO_DBMS_OUTPUT then
71 begin
72 dbms_output.new_line;
73 exception
74 when APP_EXCEPTION then
76 null;
77 else
78 raise;
79 end if;
80 end;
81 end if;
82 if TO_USER_TRACE then
83 dbms_system.ksdwrt(1,' ');
84 end if;
85 end;
86 --
87 procedure wrap(txt varchar2, linelen number default 78) is
88 p integer:=1;
89 len integer;
90 pos integer;
91 chunk varchar2(2000);
92 xchunk varchar2(2000);
93 llen number:=linelen;
95 if (llen>2000) then
96 llen:=2000;
97 end if;
98 if (llen<=1) then
99 llen:=78;
100 end if;
101 len:=length(txt);
102 while (p<=len) loop
103 chunk:=substr(txt,p,llen);
104 pos:=instr(chunk,chr(10),-1);
105 if pos>0 then
106 -- We have a CR in the text - use it
107 put_line(substr(chunk,1,pos-1));
108 p:=p+pos;
109 else
110 -- No CR in the text so we will look for a split character
111 xchunk:=translate(chunk,' ,()=',',,,,,');
112 pos:=instr(xchunk,',',-1);
113 if pos>0 and len>llen then
114 put_line(substr(chunk,1,pos));
115 p:=p+pos;
116 else
117 put(chunk);
118 p:=p+llen;
119 end if;
120 end if;
121 end loop;
122 new_line;
123 END;
124 --
125 procedure rule_off is
126 begin
127 put_line('=========================================================');
128 end;
129 --
130 begin
131 dbms_output.enable(100000);
132 end hout;
133 /
SQL> @"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.DREAM\桌面\hcheck\hcheck.sql"
HCheck Version 8i-11/1.80
Found 0 potential problems and 0 warnings
PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
SQL> execute hcheck.full
HCheck Version 8i-11/1.80
Found 0 potential problems and 0 warnings
PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
Pro-actively detecting common data dictionary problems |
RDBMS, 8.1 to 11.2 |
1.80 |
29-NOV-2010 15:15 |
Platform Independent |
23-MAR-2001 |
Execution Environment: Access Privileges: Requires to be run connected as SYS schema Usage: $ sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 11 12:00:06 2002 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: / as sysdba Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> spool outputfile SQL> execute hcheck.full Instructions: 1. Connect as SYS schema in sqlplus 2. Create package hOut as described in Note:101468.1 3. Create package hcheck in SYS schema (Refer the attachment under SCRIPT to Create package hcheck 4. spool outputfile 5. execute hcheck.full 6. Output will go to the spool file and the session trace file. The script will report various dictionary related issues which may or may not be a problem - Any problems reported should be reviewed by an experienced support analyst as some reported "problems" may be normal and expected. PROOFREAD THE SCRIPT BEFORE USING IT! Due to differences in the way text editors, e-mail packages, and operating systems handle text formatting (spaces, tabs, and carriage returns), this script may not be in an executable state when you first receive it. Check over the script to ensure that errors of this type are corrected.The script will produce an output file named [outputfile]. This file can be viewed in a browser or uploaded for support analysis. |
To provide a single package which looks for common data dictionary problems. The script can be used with Oracle versions 8.1, 9.0, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1 and 11.2. It checks consistency of certain dictionary relationships and looks for certain known issues - certain reported "problems" will be normal and expected. This script is for use mainly under the guidance of Oracle Support. |