Per previous blogs:
I wrote a simple xml state machine that receives SAX events to build xmerl compitable XML tree.
This time, it's a simple POET (Plain Old Erlang Term) state machine, which receives SAX events to build the data in form of List and Tuple.
%%% A state machine which receives sax events and builds a Plain Old Erlang Term -module(poet_sm). -export([state/2]). -export([test/0 ]). -record(poetsmState, { name = undefined, attributes = [], content = [], parents = [] }). receive_events(Events) -> receive_events(Events, undefined). receive_events([], _States) -> {ok, [], []}; receive_events([Event|T], States) -> case state(Event, States) of {ok, TopObject} -> {ok, TopObject, T}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; States1 -> receive_events(T, States1) end. state({startDocument}, _StateStack) -> State = #poetsmState{}, [State]; state({endDocument}, StateStack) -> %io:fwrite(user, "endDocument, states: ~p~n", [StateStack]), case StateStack of {ok, TopObject} -> {ok, TopObject}; _ -> {error, io:fwrite(user, "Bad object match, StateStack is: ~n~p~n", [StateStack])} end; state({startElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName, Attrs}, StateStack) -> %io:fwrite(user, "startElement~n", []), %% pop current State [State|_StatesPrev] = StateStack, #poetsmState{parents=Parents} = State, {_Pos, Attributes1} = lists:foldl( fun ({Name, Value}, {Pos, AccAttrs}) -> Pos1 = Pos + 1, Attr = {atom_to_list(Name), to_poet_value(Value)}, {Pos1, [Attr|AccAttrs]} end, {0, []}, Attrs), Parents1 = [{LocalName, 0}|Parents], %% push new state of Attributes, Content and Parents to StateStack NewState = #poetsmState{name = LocalName, attributes = Attributes1, content = [], parents = Parents1}, [NewState|StateStack]; state({endElement, _Uri, LocalName, _QName}, StateStack) -> %% pop current State [State|StatesPrev] = StateStack, #poetsmState{name=Name, attributes=Attributes, content=Content, parents=Parents} = State, %io:fwrite(user, "Element end with Name: ~p~n", [Name]), if LocalName == undefined -> %% don't care undefined; LocalName /= Name -> throw(lists:flatten(io_lib:format( "Element name match error: ~p should be ~p~n", [LocalName, Name]))); true -> undefined end, %% composite a new object [_|_ParentsPrev] = Parents, Object = if Attributes == [] -> {Name, lists:reverse(Content)}; true -> {Name, lists:reverse(Attributes), lists:reverse(Content)} end, %io:fwrite(user, "object: ~p~n", [Object]), %% put Object to parent's content and return new state stack case StatesPrev of [_ParentState|[]] -> %% reached the top now, return final result {ok, Object}; [ParentState|Other] -> #poetsmState{content=ParentContent} = ParentState, ParentContent1 = [Object|ParentContent], %% update parent state and backward to it: ParentState1 = ParentState#poetsmState{content = ParentContent1}, %io:fwrite(user, "endElement, state: ~p~n", [State1]), [ParentState1|Other] end; state({characters, Characters}, StateStack) -> %% pop current State [State|StatesPrev] = StateStack, #poetsmState{name=Name, content=Content, parents=Parents} = State, [{Parent, Pos}|ParentsPrev] = Parents, Pos1 = Pos + 1, Value = to_poet_value(Characters), %parents = [{Parent, Pos1}|ParentsPrev]}, Content1 = [Value|Content], Parents1 = [{Parent, Pos1}|ParentsPrev], UpdatedState = State#poetsmState{content = Content1, parents = Parents1}, [UpdatedState|StatesPrev]. to_poet_value(Name) when is_atom(Name) -> to_poet_value(atom_to_list(Name)); to_poet_value(Chars) when is_list(Chars) -> %% it's string, should convert to binary, since list in poet means array list_to_binary(Chars); to_poet_value(Value) -> Value. test() -> Events = [ {startDocument}, {startElement, [], feed, [], [{link, ""}, {author, "Caoyuan"}]}, {characters, "feed text"}, {startElement, [], entry, [], [{tag, "Erlang, Function"}]}, {characters, "Entry1's text"}, {endElement, [], entry, []}, {startElement, [], entry, [], []}, {characters, "Entry2's text"}, {endElement, [], entry, []}, {endElement, [], feed, []}, {endDocument} ], %% Streaming: {ok, Poet1, _Rest} = receive_events(Events), io:fwrite(user, "Streaming Result: ~n~p~n", [Poet1]).
The result will be something like:
{feed,[{"link",<<"">>},{"author",<<"Caoyuan">>}], [<<"feed text">>, {entry,[{"tag",<<"Erlang, Function">>}],[<<"Entry1's text">>]}, {entry,[<<"Entry2's text">>]}]}
The previous iCal and JSON examples can be parsed to POET by modifing the front-end parser a bit.