#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
shopping_list = [
('Solo 2 Beats',1590),
budget = int(raw_input("please input your budget:").strip())
buy_list = []
while True:
for i in shopping_list:
print shopping_list.index(i),i
choice = int(raw_input("please input your choice:").strip())
item_price = shopping_list[choice][1]
print item_price
if budget >= item_price:
budget -= item_price
print "Added \033[1;33m %s \033[0m into shopping list." % shopping_list[choice][0]
print "You just only have \033[1;32m %s \033[0m. \n" % budget
print "Sorry, you can not afford to buy %s,try another!" %shopping_list[choice][0]