ip name-server 与ip helper-address的区别

ip name-server
  Specifies the address of one or more name servers.
  设定name server地址 即指定dns服务器 该命令影响范围只在操作环境 不包括数据流 详见上面链接
  ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2...server-address6]
  ip helper-address
  To have the Cisco IOS software forward User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcasts, including BOOTP, received on an interface, use the ip helper-address interface configuration command.
  设定udp广播转发地址 即开启路由器转发包括dns查询在内的8种udp广播报文到指定地址的功能 该命令作用于数据报文 与操作环境无关 详见Clare Gough: Cisco CCNP Routing Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Press) 第57页至58页有关ip helper address说明
  ip helper-address address
  文章来源: baike.duba.net
IP Helper-address用来转发UDP广播,和IP Forward-protocol组合使用,可以控制那些UDP广播包可以被转发。默认转发的有:

•Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) (port 69)

•Domain Naming System (port 53)

•Time service (port 37)

•NetBIOS Name Server (port 137)

•NetBIOS Datagram Server (port 138)

•Boot Protocol (BOOTP) client and server datagrams (ports 67 and 68)

•TACACS service (port 49)

•IEN-116 Name Service (port 42)
