rhel 5.3 nis 服务器搭建 详细(原创)

RHEL 5.3 NIS 服务搭建
#1.about NIS
NIS NIS (Network Information Service)网络信息服务,类似于windows AD.简单说就是客户端登陆验证全部都交给NIS服务器来处理。
在 NIS 环境中, 有三种类型的主机:
3.客户机    (client)


1.server开启后会用portmapper 分配端口给ypserv进程 和 yppasswd进程

[root@ns ~]# rpm -qa  yp*

[root@ns ~]# rpm -qa  portmap


[root@ns ~]# nisdomainname jshlx-nis
[root@ns ~]# echo "NISDOMAIN=jshlx-nis" >> /etc/sysconfig/network

[root@ns ~]# /etc/init.d/ypserv start 
Starting YP server services:                               [  OK  ]
[root@ns ~]# /etc/init.d/yppasswdd start
Starting YP passwd service:                                [  OK  ]

[root@ns ~]# chkconfig ypserv on
[root@ns ~]# chkconfig yppasswdd on

[root@ns ~]# useradd simp
[root@ns ~]# passwd simp

[root@ns ~]# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS
servers.  ns.simp.com is in the list of NIS server hosts.  Please continue to add
the names for the other hosts, one per line.  When you are done with the
list, type a <control D>.
        next host to add:  ns.simp.com
        next host to add: 
The current list of NIS servers looks like this:


Is this correct?  [y/n: y]  y
We need a few minutes to build the databases...
Building /var/yp/jshlx-nis/ypservers...
Running /var/yp/Makefile...
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/jshlx-nis'
Updating passwd.byname...
Updating passwd.byuid...
Updating group.byname...
Updating group.bygid...
Updating hosts.byname...
Updating hosts.byaddr...
Updating rpc.byname...
Updating rpc.bynumber...
Updating services.byname...
Updating services.byservicename...
Updating netid.byname...
Updating protocols.bynumber...
Updating protocols.byname...
Updating mail.aliases...
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/jshlx-nis'

ns.simp.com has been set up as a NIS master server.

Now you can run ypinit -s ns.simp.com on all slave server.

[root@ns ~]# tail -n 2 /etc/ypserv.conf
*                        : *       : *                : none

[root@ns ~]# vi /var/yp/Makefile
找到all: 这一行修改如下:设置共享的范围。
117 all:  passwd group \

client 配置

authconfig-tui - (c) 1999-2005 Red Hat, Inc.                                              
            +----------------| Authentication Configuration +-----------------+           
            |                                                                 |           
            |  User Information        Authentication                         |           
            |  [ ] Cache Information   [*] Use MD5 Passwords                  |           
            |  [ ] Use Hesiod          [*] Use Shadow Passwords               |           
            |  [ ] Use LDAP            [ ] Use LDAP Authentication            |           
            |  [*] Use NIS             [ ] Use Kerberos                       |           
            |  [ ] Use Winbind         [ ] Use SMB Authentication             |           
            |                          [ ] Use Winbind Authentication         |           
            |                          [ ] Local authorization is sufficient  |           
            |                                                                 |           
            |            +--------+                      +------+             |           
            |            | Cancel |                      | Next |             |           
            |            +--------+                      +------+             |           
            |                                                                 |           
            |                                                                 |           
<Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements   |   <Space> selects   |  <F12> next screen        
authconfig-tui - (c) 1999-2005 Red Hat, Inc.                                              
                   +-----------------| NIS Settings +-----------------+                   
                   |                                                  |                   
                   | Domain: jshlx-nis_______________________________ |                   
                   | Server: |                   
                   |                                                  |                   
                   |         +------+                 +----+          |                   
                   |         | Back |                 | Ok |          |                   
                   |         +------+                 +----+          |                   
                   |                                                  |                   
                   |                                                  |                   
<Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements   |   <Space> selects   |  <F12> next screen  
Stopping portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Shutting down NIS services:                                [  OK  ]
Binding to the NIS domain:                                 [  OK  ]
Listening for an NIS domain server..

Last login: Fri Oct  9 17:43:30 2009
No directory /home/simp!                
Logging in with home = "/".

[root@ns ~]# echo "/home,sync)" &gt;&gt; /etc/exports        
[root@ns ~]# exportfs  -r
[root@ns ~]# showmount -e localhost
Export list for localhost:

[root@ns ~]# /etc/init.d/nfs start
[root@ns ~]# chkconfig nfs on

[root@ns ~]# mount.nfs /home/

Last login: Fri Oct  9 17:53:34 2009 from
[simp@ns ~]$

[root@ns ~]# mkdir /nis_home
[root@ns ~]# chmod 1777 /nis_home/
[root@ns ~]# useradd -Db /nis_home/
[root@ns ~]# useradd nis1
[root@ns ~]# passwd nis1
Changing password for user nis1.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@ns ~]# useradd nis2
[root@ns ~]# passwd nis2
Changing password for user nis2.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@ns ~]# echo "/nis_home/,sync)" &gt;&gt; /etc/exports
[root@ns ~]# exportfs -r                                            
[root@ns ~]# showmount -e localhost                                  Export list for localhost:

[/root]#echo "/nis_home       /etc/auto.home    --timeout=600" &gt;&gt; /etc/auto.master
[/root]#echo "*               -rw,soft,intr " &gt;&gt; /etc/auto.home

[/etc]#/etc/init.d/autofs restart
[/etc]#su - nis1
[nis1@ns ~]$
/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
none on /proc/fs/vmblock/mountPoint type vmblock (rw)
nfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw) on /nis_home/nis1 type nfs (rw,soft,initr,addr=

[root@ns ~]# rpcinfo -p  $hostname
   program vers proto   port
    100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
    100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
    100024    1   udp    675  status
    100024    1   tcp    678  status
    100004    2   udp    616  ypserv
    100004    1   udp    616  ypserv
    100004    2   tcp    619  ypserv
    100004    1   tcp    619  ypserv
    100009    1   udp    630  yppasswdd
    100011    1   udp    695  rquotad
    100011    2   udp    695  rquotad
    100011    1   tcp    698  rquotad
    100011    2   tcp    698  rquotad
    100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
    100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
    100003    4   udp   2049  nfs
    100021    1   udp  43122  nlockmgr
    100021    3   udp  43122  nlockmgr
    100021    4   udp  43122  nlockmgr
    100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
    100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
    100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
    100021    1   tcp  52450  nlockmgr
    100021    3   tcp  52450  nlockmgr
    100021    4   tcp  52450  nlockmgr
    100005    1   udp    709  mountd
    100005    1   tcp    712  mountd
    100005    2   udp    709  mountd
    100005    2   tcp    712  mountd
    100005    3   udp    709  mountd
    100005    3   tcp    712  mountd
