ESL Podcast 1st part

ESL Podcast 677 – Feeding a Picky Eater


I’m glad to do it. You’re been so helpful to me, it’s only fair that I return the favor . I hope you’ve brought your appetite .


the original title 're is wrong, it ought to be 've .


English Café 287


ESL Podcast 679 – Getting a Makeover


getting dolled up


ESL Podcast 675 – Having Furniture Delivered


ESL Podcast 676 – Selecting a Health Insurance Plan


You’re on your own on this one. It’s all Greek to me !


ESL Podcast 674 – Threatening Other Countries


ESL Podcast 673 – Walking or Running as Exercise


English Café 288


ESL Podcast 668 – Having Cash Flow Problems


ESL Podcast 671 – Vacationing on an Island


I’m cut off from civilization.


ESL Podcast 669 – Making Controversial Comments


ESL Podcast 680 – Recognizing an Unsung Hero


be recognized for


but it’s time your contributions are recognized for what they are around here!

New Jersey Scientist to be Recognized for Breast Cancer Research

Tree farmer to be recognized for conservation efforts


the for here may indicate reason or cause, be recognized for what, for xxx.


ESL Podcast 681 – Disagreeing about Religion


ESL Podcast 682 – Minor Medical Injuries


ESL Podcast 684 – Asking for Information About a Coworker


English Café 293
