生成KonaKart的Eclipse Project


C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant -p


Buildfile: build.xml


Main targets:


 build                           Compiles all the custom code and creates all the jars

 clean                           Clears away everything that's created during a build

 clean_admin_portlet_war         Clears away the admin portlet war

 clean_manifest_file             Clean the MANIFEST file for all jars

 clean_portlet_war               Clears away the portlet war

 clean_torque_classes            Clears away everything that's created during a build of the torque classes

 clean_wars                      Clears away all the WARs and EARs

 compile                         Compile the customisable application code

 compile_admin_portlet_liferay   Compile the Admin portlet utilities for Liferay

 compile_custom_adminengine      Compile the customisable admin engine code

 compile_custom_engine           Compile the customisable engine code

 compile_modules                 Compile the customisable module code

 compile_utils                   Compile the customisable utils code

 copy_jars                       Copy the konakart custom jars to the lib directories

 create_torque_classes           Process the Custom Schema to produce torque classes

 enableWebServices               Enable Web Services in deployed server

 generate_torque_java            Process the Custom Schema to produce torque java files

 make_admin_liferay_portlet_war  Create the konakartadmin portlet war for Liferay

 make_ear                        Create the konakart EAR

 make_eclipse_project            Create an Eclipse Project for Developing the Storefront

 make_jars                       Create the konakart custom jars

 make_jetspeed_portlet_war       Create the konakart portlet war for Jetspeed

 make_liferay_portlet_war        Create the konakart portlet war for Liferay

 make_manifest_file              Create the MANIFEST file for all jars

 make_ordertotal_module_jar      Create the ordertotal module jar

 make_payment_module_jar         Create the payment module jar

 make_shipping_module_jar        Create the shipping module jar

 make_torque_jar                 Create the konakart custom torque jar

 make_wars                       Create the konakart wars

Default target: build


C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom>bin\kkant make_eclipse_project

生成的Project在 C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\kkeclipse
