AIX5.3在使用HACMP安装ORACLE RAC 10G时的错误解决 集中讨论37


Oracle大型数据库系统在AIX/UNIX上的实战详解  集中讨论37   文平

有几个读者在实施他们的RAC的时候,重启HACMP后发现另一个节点的并发卷组并没有激活(lsvg -o),查看PV发现没有激活(CONCURRENT ACTIVE)。

器可能原因如下(Oracle Release Notes):

To enable simultaneous access to a disk device from multiple nodes, you must set the appropriate Object Data Manager (ODM) attribute listed in the following table to the value shown, depending on the disk type:

Disk Type Attribute Value
SSA, FAStT, or non-MPIO-capable disks reserve_lock no

ESS, EMC, HDS, CLARiiON, or MPIO-capable disks
reserve_policy no_reserve

To determine whether the attribute has the correct value, enter a command similar to the following on all cluster nodes for each disk device that you want to use:
# /usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l hdiskn
If the required attribute is not set to the correct value on any node, then enter a command similar to one of the following on that node:
■ SSA and FAStT devices
# /usr/sbin/chdev -l hdiskn -a reserve_lock=no
■ ESS, EMC, HDS, CLARiiON, and MPIO-capable devices
# /usr/sbin/chdev -l hdiskn -a reserve_policy=no_reserve


chdev -l hdisk2 -a reserve_lock=no
chdev -l hdisk3 -a reserve_lock=no
chdev -l hdisk4 -a reserve_lock=no
chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_lock=no


chdev -l hdisk2 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
chdev -l hdisk3 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
chdev -l hdisk4 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve

