
 * NMEA library
 * URL: http://nmea.sourceforge.net
 * Author: Tim ( [email protected])
 * Licence: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 * $Id: info.h 10 2007-11-15 14:50:15Z xtimor $
/*! \file */
#ifndef __NMEA_INFO_H__
#define __NMEA_INFO_H__
#include "time.h"
#define NMEA_SIG_BAD        (0)   //信号
#define NMEA_SIG_LOW        (1)
#define NMEA_SIG_MID        (2)
#define NMEA_SIG_HIGH       (3)
#define NMEA_FIX_BAD        (1)    //用于导航的操作模式
#define NMEA_FIX_2D         (2)
#define NMEA_FIX_3D         (3)
#define NMEA_MAXSAT         (12)     //最大卫星数
#define NMEA_SATINPACK      (4)   
#define NMEA_DEF_LAT        (5001.2621)       //缺省经纬度
#define NMEA_DEF_LON        (3613.0595)
#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * Position data in fractional degrees or radians  //以小数和弧度定位数据
typedef struct _nmeaPOS
    double lat;         /**< Latitude */
    double lon;         /**< Longitude */
} nmeaPOS;    //经纬度位置
 * Information about satellite
 * @see nmeaSATINFO
 * @see nmeaGPGSV
typedef struct _nmeaSATELLITE       //单个卫星的信息
    int     id;         /**< Satellite PRN number */
    int     in_use;     /**< Used in position fix */
    int     elv;        /**< Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum */
    int     azimuth;    /**< Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359 */
    int     sig;        /**< Signal, 00-99 dB */
 * Information about all satellites in view
 * @see nmeaINFO
 * @see nmeaGPGSV
typedef struct _nmeaSATINFO      //总的卫星情况
    int     inuse;      /**< Number of satellites in use (not those in view) */
    int     inview;     /**< Total number of satellites in view */
    nmeaSATELLITE sat[NMEA_MAXSAT]; /**< Satellites information */
} nmeaSATINFO;
 * Summary GPS information from all parsed packets,
 * used also for generating NMEA stream
 * @see nmea_parse
 * @see nmea_GPGGA2info,  nmea_...2info
typedef struct _nmeaINFO
    int     smask;      /**< Mask specifying types of packages from which data have been obtained */
    nmeaTIME utc;       /**< UTC of position */
    int     sig;        /**< GPS quality indicator (0 = Invalid; 1 = Fix; 2 = Differential, 3 = Sensitive) */
    int     fix;        /**< Operating mode, used for navigation (1 = Fix not available; 2 = 2D; 3 = 3D) */
    double  PDOP;       /**< Position Dilution Of Precision */
    double  HDOP;       /**< Horizontal Dilution Of Precision */
    double  VDOP;       /**< Vertical Dilution Of Precision */
    double  lat;        /**< Latitude in NDEG - +/-[degree][min].[sec/60] */
    double  lon;        /**< Longitude in NDEG - +/-[degree][min].[sec/60] */
    double  elv;        /**< Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) in meters */
    double  speed;      /**< Speed over the ground in kilometers/hour */
    double  direction;  /**< Track angle in degrees True */
    double  declination; /**< Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course) */
    nmeaSATINFO satinfo; /**< Satellites information */
} nmeaINFO;
void nmea_zero_INFO(nmeaINFO *info);
#ifdef  __cplusplus
#endif /* __NMEA_INFO_H__ */
 * NMEA library
 * URL: http://nmea.sourceforge.net
 * Author: Tim ( [email protected])
 * Licence: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 * $Id: info.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $
#include <string.h>
#include "nmea/info.h"
void nmea_zero_INFO(nmeaINFO *info)
    memset(info, 0, sizeof(nmeaINFO));
    nmea_time_now(&info->utc);     //获取时间
    info->sig = NMEA_SIG_BAD;    //设置初始值
    info->fix = NMEA_FIX_BAD;
