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pass cisco exams  question
1Your company's network consists of two domains named CORP and RESEARCH. No trust relationships exist between the CORP domain and the RESEARCH domain. The site server for your SMS primary site is a domain controller in the RESEARCH domain. The SMS service account is a member of the SMS Accounts global group in the RESEARCH domain. You want to configure your site so that the domain controllers in both domains will become SMS logon points. Which three actions should you take to accomplish this goal? (Choose three.)
A:Configure the RESEARCH domain to trust the CORP domain.
B:Configure the CORP domain to trust the RESEARCH domain.
C:Add the Domain Admins group from the CORP domain to the Administrators group in the RESEARCH domain.
D:Add the SMS Accounts group from the RESEARCH domain to the Administrators group in the CORP domain.
E:Run the Smsman.exe file on each domain controller.
F:Enable Windows Networking Logon Discovery for the RESEARCH domain and the CORP domain.
G:Assign the client access point role to each domain controller in the RESEARCH domain and the CORP domain.
Correct Answers:  B, D, F  MB3-412  642-551  70-281  MB4-161 
