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随着 INTERNET 的发展,数据通讯技术越来越发达。网络安全问题也越来越引人注目。当前热点 VOIP 的网络安全也受到了重视。本文对 VOIP 协议以及 VOIP 网络中面对的网络安全威胁作了简单的介绍,并重点讨论了如何提高 VOIP 网络的安全性以及如何防范令人头疼的 DOS 攻击。
引言部分对 VOIP 网络的现状进行了介绍。接下来本文介绍了 VOIP 网络中的协议,并对热点协议 SIP 协议以及 SIP 协议的运行进行了详细的描述。以及当前 VOIP 网络的安全威胁和就如何防范针对 VOIP 网络的威胁进行了探讨。最后总结了在写整篇论文以及对相关内容进行上机调试的总结,并对 VOIP 网络安全今后的完善做了展望。
关键词 :网络安全   VOIP   SIP 协议    IPSEC  AAA 
With the development of Internet, data communications technology has increasingly developed. Network security is more and more noticeable. Current hot VoIP network safety has also been the focus of attention. In this paper, the agreement VoIP network and VoIP network to face security threats gave a brief introduction, and focus on how to improve the VoIP network security and how to prevent vexing DOS attack. Chapter 1 Introduction of VoIP network status was introduced. The second chapter describes the VoIP network agreement as well as hot agreement SIP and SIP for the operations are described in detail. Chapter 3 presents the current VoIP network security threats. Chapter IV on how to prevent against the threat of VoIP network were discussed. Chapter V summarizes the whole I was writing papers and the related content on the plane testing summary VoIP network security as well as the future prospects do improve.
Keywords: VoIP    network security    SIP    AAA      IPSEC
第一章 VOIP简介... 1
第二章 VOIP协议... 2
2.1 VoIP通讯协定(Protocol... 2
2.2 SIP组件... 3
2.3 SIP协议运行... 4
第三章 VOIP协议的安全考虑... 6
第四章 保护VOIP网络安全具体实施... 8
4.1    AAA.. 8
4.2 IPSEC.. 11
4.3 防范DOS攻击... 19
4.4  人为要素的安全... 23
第五章 总结与展望.... 24
致谢.... 25
参考文献.... 26
本文转摘自: http://www.itpassbiblo.com/shownews.asp?id=93&BigClass=技术资讯
