I Hope You Do!

                            I Hope You Do!

I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face我希望你清晨醒来,一抹笑容在脸上绽放 

I hope the sun is shining just for you我希望太阳为你普照大地 

And the birds are singing their very best songs鸟儿为你唱出最优美的旋律……… 

I hope your coffee is hot and tastes just right我希望你的咖啡温热可口 

And the cats are purring contentedly,猫儿发出心满意足的咕噜声, 

And the mailman waves a邮差愉快地朝你挥手致意 

Cheery hello and there are no bills in the mailbox…而信箱中毫无帐单…… 

I hope just everything goes your way我希望你事事称心 

I hope everything is well with your world,我希望你的生活万事如意 

A place for everything and everything in it’s place…多姿多彩,一切顺利…… 

I hope you can enjoy all you do and you are我希望你能享受自己所做的一切, 

Complimented on the way人们赞美你的打扮 

You look and you can laugh你能与人谈笑 

And talk and share to your heart’s content尽情分享 


I hope you have all you wish for yourself and those dear to you,我希望你对自己和珍视的人的祝福成为现实, 

And all your dreams come true…你所有的梦想皆可成真………


At the end of the day一天结束之时 

I wish you a perfect moon shining just for you,我希望皎洁完美的月亮为你潇洒清辉, 

A snug and cozy bed with the softest of pillows在一张暖和舒适的床上枕着世间最柔软的枕头 

And I hope you sleep like a lamb with a smile on your face…我希望你能像小羊羔般含笑酣眠……… 


I hope you have a perfect end to the perfect day我希望你这完美的一天有个完美的结束 

And I hope that every day is just as wonderful in it’s own way我希望每天都能以其特有的方式趣味盎然 

I hope your day is filled with love!我希望你的每一天都……爱意满怀!
