select 中的select 字句 ERROR:ORA-01427

select t2.c_insrnt_cnm, --被保人名称/理赔客户姓名
       (select   s2.c_mobile_phone
          from t_fin_clmdue s1, cdc.t_fin_rpclmcustomer s2
         where s1.c_clm_no = t1.c_clm_no
           and s1.n_Clm_Tms = t1.n_clm_tms
           and s1.c_rcpt_no = s2.c_rcpt_no
           and rownum=1) c_mobile_phone
  from t_clm_main t1, t_ply_base t2


===错误中没有and rownum=1)

select t2.c_insrnt_cnm, --被保人名称/理赔客户姓名
       (select   s2.c_mobile_phone
          from t_fin_clmdue s1, cdc.t_fin_rpclmcustomer s2
         where s1.c_clm_no = t1.c_clm_no
           and s1.n_Clm_Tms = t1.n_clm_tms
           and s1.c_rcpt_no = s2.c_rcpt_no
         ) c_mobile_phone
  from t_clm_main t1, t_ply_base t2
