MobileIron VSP Test Server environment

Environment(VMware Machine)

1.-       OS:      64bit Centos+VSP

-       RAM: 1 GB

-       Disk:    1x60GB Disk

-       CPU:    2 vCPU

-       NIC:    1 Virtual NIC

            CD:     1 Virtual CDROM

2. AD&DNS&DHCP  32bit Windows Server2003


Centos+VSP&Windows Server2003 need static IP address


Something need to pay attention

VSP DN Can't be modified once define, or you need to reinstal CentOS+VSP


CentOS+VSP default Zone time is 格林威治时间, you need to modify the time 8 hours earlier than Zone time of BeiJing


Install MDM Certificate(Note that modify Zone time should be done first, or the deploy may fail)

