c++11 容器库



  1. array 静态连续的数组

  2. vector 动态连续的数组

  3. deque 双端队列

  4. forward_list 单向链表

  5. list 双向链表


关联容器通过使用已排序的数据结构,提供O(log n)时间复杂度的快速搜索

  1. set 唯一键的集合,排序的键

  2. map 通过按键的键-值对的集合,排序,键值都是唯一的

  3. multiset collection of keys, sorted by keys

  4. multimap collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys


  1. unordered_set      collection of unique keys,hashed by keys 

  2. unordered_map      collection of key-value pairs, hashed by keys, keys are unique

  3. unordered_multiset      collection of keys, hashed by keys

unordered_multimap      collection of key-value pairs, hashed by keys

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