Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE

Abstract. In calculus, Newton’s method is used for finding the roots of a function. In optimization, Newton’s method is applied to find the roots of the derivative. OPEN CASCADE implement Newton method to find the extrema for a multiple variables function, such as find the extrema point for a curve and a surface.

Key Words. Nonlinear Programming, Newton Method, Extrema, OPEN CASCADE

1. Introduction

Newton法作为一种经典的解无约束优化问题的方法,在20世纪80~90年代发展起来的解线性规划和凸规划的内点法中起到了重要作用。Newton法最初是Newton提出用于解非线性方程的,Newton曾用该法求解Kepler方程x-asinx=b,并得到精度很高的近似解。通过《OPEN CASCADE Multiple Variable Function》对OPEN CASCADE中多元函数的表达有了一个认识。多元函数如何应用的呢?下面提出一个问题及如何用程序来解决这个问题。对于任意给定的曲线和曲面,如何求出曲线和曲面上距离最近的点,假设曲线和曲面都是至少C2连续的。关于参数连续性可参考《OPEN CASCADE Curve Continuity》。如下图所示:

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE_第1张图片

Figure 1.1 A Curve and A Surface

本文给出OPEN CASCADE中对此类问题的一种解法,即应用Newton法求解非线性无约束多元函数的极值。学习如何将实际问题抽象成数学模型,从而使用数学的方法进行求解。

2.Construct Function


OPEN CASCADE使用从math_MultipleVarFunctionWithHessian派生的一个具体类Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS来计算C2连续的曲线和曲面之间的距离的平方值。抽象出来的数学模型为:


因为是从具有Hessian Matrix的多元函数派生,所以要求曲线曲面具有至少C2连续,即有至少有二阶导数。且在类中分别实现计算函数值,计算一阶导数值(梯度),计算二阶导数值(Hessian Matrix)。计算函数值的代码如下所示:

//function : value
//purpose  : 
void Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS::value(Standard_Real cu,
                                  Standard_Real su,
                                  Standard_Real sv,
                                  Standard_Real &F)
  F = myC->Value(cu).SquareDistance(myS->Value(su, sv));



Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE_第2张图片


//function : gradient
//purpose  : 
void Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS::gradient(Standard_Real cu,
                                     Standard_Real su,
                                     Standard_Real sv,
                                     math_Vector &G)
  gp_Pnt CD0, SD0;
  gp_Vec CD1, SD1U, SD1V;

  myC->D1(cu, CD0, CD1);
  myS->D1(su, sv, SD0, SD1U, SD1V);

  G(1) = + (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * CD1.X()
         + (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * CD1.Y()
         + (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * CD1.Z();
  G(2) = - (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * SD1U.X()
         - (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * SD1U.Y()
         - (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * SD1U.Z();
  G(3) = - (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * SD1V.X()
         - (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * SD1V.Y()
         - (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * SD1V.Z();

根据Hessian Matrix的定义,得到计算Hessian Matrix的公式如下:

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE_第3张图片

将函数积的求导法则应用于求偏导数得到上述公式。同理求出Hessian Matrix的其他各项,如下公式所示:

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE_第4张图片

计算多元函数的二阶导数Hessian Matrix的程序代码如下所示:

//function : hessian
//purpose  : 
void Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS::hessian(Standard_Real cu,
                                    Standard_Real su,
                                    Standard_Real sv,
                                    math_Matrix &H)
  gp_Pnt CD0, SD0;
  gp_Vec CD1, SD1U, SD1V, CD2, SD2UU, SD2UV, SD2VV;

  myC->D2(cu, CD0, CD1, CD2);
  myS->D2(su, sv, SD0, SD1U, SD1V, SD2UU, SD2VV, SD2UV);

  H(1,1) = + CD1.X() * CD1.X()
           + CD1.Y() * CD1.Y()
           + CD1.Z() * CD1.Z()
           + (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * CD2.X()
           + (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * CD2.Y()
           + (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * CD2.Z();

  H(1,2) = - CD1.X() * SD1U.X()
           - CD1.Y() * SD1U.Y()
           - CD1.Z() * SD1U.Z();

  H(1,3) = - CD1.X() * SD1V.X()
           - CD1.Y() * SD1V.Y()
           - CD1.Z() * SD1V.Z();

  H(2,1) = H(1,2);

  H(2,2) = + SD1U.X() * SD1U.X()
           + SD1U.Y() * SD1U.Y()
           + SD1U.Z() * SD1U.Z()
           - (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * SD2UU.X()
           - (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * SD2UU.Y()
           - (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * SD2UU.Z();

  H(2,3) = + SD1U.X() * SD1V.X()
           + SD1U.Y() * SD1V.Y()
           + SD1U.Z() * SD1V.Z()
           - (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * SD2UV.X()
           - (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * SD2UV.Y()
           - (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * SD2UV.Z();

  H(3,1) = H(1,3);

  H(3,2) = H(2,3);

  H(3,3) = + SD1V.X() * SD1V.X()
           + SD1V.Y() * SD1V.Y()
           + SD1V.Z() * SD1V.Z()
           - (CD0.X() - SD0.X()) * SD2VV.X()
           - (CD0.Y() - SD0.Y()) * SD2VV.Y()
           - (CD0.Z() - SD0.Z()) * SD2VV.Z();

根据高阶偏导数的定理可知,当f(X)在点X0处所有二阶偏导数连续时,那末在该区域内这两个二阶混合偏导数必相等。所以Hessian Matrix为一个对称矩阵,故






3.Newton’s Method

关于应用Newton法计算一元非线性方程的根已经在《OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm》中进行了说明,这里要学习下如何使用Newton法应用于多元函数极值的计算。对于一元函数f(x)的求极值问题,当f(x)连续可微时,最优点x满足f’(x)=0。于是当f(x)二次连续可微时,求解f’(x)=0的Newton法为:





A. 给定初始点,及精度;

B. 计算函数f(xk)的一阶导数(梯度),二阶导数(Hessian Matrix):若|梯度|<精度,则停止迭代,输出近似极小点;否则转C;

C. 根据Newton迭代公式,计算x(k+1);

OPEN CASCADE中Newton法计算极值的类是math_NewtonMinimum,可参考其代码学习。下面给出前面提出的曲线曲面极值求解的实现代码:

*    Copyright (c) 2015 Shing Liu All Rights Reserved.
*           File : main.cpp
*         Author : Shing Liu(
*           Date : 2015-12-05 21:00
*        Version : OpenCASCADE6.9.0
*    Description : Learn Newton's Method for multiple variables
*                  function.

#define WNT
#include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx>
#include <TColgp_Array2OfPnt.hxx>

#include <math_NewtonMinimum.hxx>

#include <GeomTools.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>

#include <GC_MakeSegment.hxx>

#include <GeomAdaptor_HCurve.hxx>
#include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>

#include <Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS.hxx>

#include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface.hxx>

#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>

#pragma comment(lib, "TKernel.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKMath.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKG2d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKG3d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKBRep.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKGeomBase.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKGeomAlgo.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "TKTopAlgo.lib")

void testNewtonMethod(void)
    // approximate curve from the points
    TColgp_Array1OfPnt aCurvePoints(1, 5);
    aCurvePoints.SetValue(1, gp_Pnt(0.0, 0.0, -2.0));
    aCurvePoints.SetValue(2, gp_Pnt(1.0, 2.0, 2.0));
    aCurvePoints.SetValue(3, gp_Pnt(2.0, 3.0, 3.0));
    aCurvePoints.SetValue(4, gp_Pnt(4.0, 3.0, 4.0));
    aCurvePoints.SetValue(5, gp_Pnt(5.0, 5.0, 5.0));

    GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline aCurveApprox(aCurvePoints);

    // approximate surface from the points.
    TColgp_Array2OfPnt aSurfacePoints(1, 5, 1, 5);
    aSurfacePoints(1, 1) = gp_Pnt(-4,-4,5);
    aSurfacePoints(1, 2) = gp_Pnt(-4,-2,5);
    aSurfacePoints(1, 3) = gp_Pnt(-4,0,4);
    aSurfacePoints(1, 4) = gp_Pnt(-4,2,5);
    aSurfacePoints(1, 5) = gp_Pnt(-4,4,5);

    aSurfacePoints(2, 1) = gp_Pnt(-2,-4,4);
    aSurfacePoints(2, 2) = gp_Pnt(-2,-2,4);
    aSurfacePoints(2, 3) = gp_Pnt(-2,0,4);
    aSurfacePoints(2, 4) = gp_Pnt(-2,2,4);
    aSurfacePoints(2, 5) = gp_Pnt(-2,5,4);

    aSurfacePoints(3, 1) = gp_Pnt(0,-4,3.5);
    aSurfacePoints(3, 2) = gp_Pnt(0,-2,3.5);
    aSurfacePoints(3, 3) = gp_Pnt(0,0,3.5);
    aSurfacePoints(3, 4) = gp_Pnt(0,2,3.5);
    aSurfacePoints(3, 5) = gp_Pnt(0,5,3.5);

    aSurfacePoints(4, 1) = gp_Pnt(2,-4,4);
    aSurfacePoints(4, 2) = gp_Pnt(2,-2,4);
    aSurfacePoints(4, 3) = gp_Pnt(2,0,3.5);
    aSurfacePoints(4, 4) = gp_Pnt(2,2,5);
    aSurfacePoints(4, 5) = gp_Pnt(2,5,4);

    aSurfacePoints(5, 1) = gp_Pnt(4,-4,5);
    aSurfacePoints(5, 2) = gp_Pnt(4,-2,5);
    aSurfacePoints(5, 3) = gp_Pnt(4,0,5);
    aSurfacePoints(5, 4) = gp_Pnt(4,2,6);
    aSurfacePoints(5, 5) = gp_Pnt(4,5,5);

    GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface aSurfaceApprox(aSurfacePoints);

    // construct the function.
    Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve aAdaptorCurve = new GeomAdaptor_HCurve(aCurveApprox.Curve());
    Adaptor3d_Surface* aAdaptorSurface = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(aSurfaceApprox.Surface());

    Extrema_GlobOptFuncCS aFunction(&(aAdaptorCurve->Curve()), aAdaptorSurface);

    math_Vector aStartPoint(1, 3, 0.2);
    math_NewtonMinimum aSolver(aFunction, aStartPoint);
    aSolver.Perform(aFunction, aStartPoint);

    if (aSolver.IsDone())
        math_Vector aLocation = aSolver.Location();

        gp_Pnt aPoint1 = aAdaptorCurve->Value(aLocation(1));
        gp_Pnt aPoint2 = aAdaptorSurface->Value(aLocation(2), aLocation(3));
        GC_MakeSegment aSegmentMaker(aPoint1, aPoint2);

        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeMaker(aSegmentMaker.Value());
        BRepTools::Write(anEdgeMaker.Shape(), "d:/tcl/min.brep");

    GeomTools::Dump(aCurveApprox.Curve(), std::cout);
    GeomTools::Dump(aSurfaceApprox.Surface(), std::cout);

    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge anEdgeMaker(aCurveApprox.Curve());
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace aFaceMaker(aSurfaceApprox.Surface(), Precision::Approximation());

    BRepTools::Write(anEdgeMaker.Shape(), "d:/tcl/edge.brep");
    BRepTools::Write(aFaceMaker.Shape(), "d:/tcl/face.brep");

    // need release memory for the adaptor surface pointer manually.
    // whereas do not need release memory for the adaptor curve.
    // because it is mamanged by handle.
    delete aAdaptorSurface;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    return 0;


生成BREP文件是为了便于在Draw Test Harness中查看显示效果,计算结果显示如下:

Apply Newton Method to Find Extrema in OPEN CASCADE_第5张图片

Figure 3.1 The minimum between a curve and a surface



综上所述,在学习了最优化理论之后,应该结合实际进行应用。从OPEN CASCADE的计算曲线和曲面之间的极值的类中可以学习如何将实际问题抽象成数学模型,进而使用数学工具对问题进行求解。





5. References



3. Shing Liu. OpenCASCADE Root-Finding Algorithm


5. 同济大学数学教研室. 高等数学. 高等教育出版社. 1996

6. 同济大学应用数学系. 线性代数. 高等教育出版社. 2003

7. 易大义, 陈道琦. 数值分析引论. 浙江大学出版社. 1998

8. 《运筹学》教材编写组. 运筹学. 清华大学出版社. 2012

9. 何坚勇. 最优化方法. 清华大学出版社. 2007

10. 杨庆之. 最优化方法. 科学出版社. 2015

11. 王宜举, 修乃华. 非线性最优化理论与方法. 科学出版社. 2012

12. 赵罡, 穆国旺, 王拉柱. 非均匀有理B样条. 清华大学出版社. 2010

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