

: : What does the quote "Wax on Wax off" mean?

: It's from the movie "The Karate Kid" (1984) starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita. Pat Morita was supposed to be teaching Mr. Macchio karate, but all summer the karate master had the kid just painting stuff and waxing his car. However, the painting and waxing techniques were secretly teaching his muscles karate moves, and when the karate lessons actually began, he found it relatively easy to learn. "Wax on, wax off" was one of the stern instructions repeated at the beginning of the lessons.
(以上引自 http://www.phrases.org.uk)
问:wax on wax off的意思是什么?
答:这个短语来源于“空手道小孩”(1984)这部电影,由Ralph Macchio和Pat Morita主演。本来都以为Pat Morita是要叫Macchio先生空手道的,可是整个夏季这个空手道大师都让孩子只是画画和给他的车子打蜡。但是,事实上这些绘画的技巧和打蜡的技巧已经暗中让他的肌肉学到了空手道的动作,当空手道课程真正开始的时候,他发现空手道很容易学会。“Wax on,wax off“就是在课程开始时重复的严格指令。
