IDEA学习笔记(四) IDEA快捷键配置成eclipse风格

快捷键配置成eclipse风格 intention actions --> ctrl+1
2.comment with line comment --> ctrl+/
3.comment with block comment --> ctrl+shift+/
4.insert live template --> alt+/
5.Completion -->  alt+/
6.file --> ctrl+shift+r
7.class --> ctrl+n
8.line --> ctrl+L
9.implementaction --> ctrl+t
10.test --> ctrl+shift+t Hierarchy --> ctrl+shift+c
12.generate --> alt +g
13.reformat code --> ctrl+shift+f
14.optimize imports --> ctrl+shift+o
15.move line down --> ctrl+down
16.move line up --> ctrl+up
17. delete line --> ctrl + D
18.File Structure --> ctrl + o
19.Hide All Tool Windows --> ctrl + m
20.previous method/next method --> Alt+ Up/Down
21.move statement up  --> ctrl + alt + up
22.move statement down--> ctrl + alt + down
23.find next / next occurrence ctrl+k
24.find previous / previous occurrence alt+k
25.last edit location --> alt + left edit location --> alt + right
27.back --> ctrl+left
28.forward  --> ctrl+right
F5:step into:单步执行程序,遇到方法时进入
F6:step over:单步执行程序,遇到方法时跳过
F7:step return:单步执行程序,从当前方法跳出
F8: resume :重新执行debug,一直运行知道遇到breakpoint。它的作用是将代码执行到下一个断点,如果没有断点,则将代码执行到程序的结束。
