
You have been given 2 special, extremely rugged Xboxes. You are in an office building that is 100 stories high. Using the fewest possible number of drops from windows in your office building, determine the highest floor you can drop an Xbox from and have it survive: for example, they might be able to take the drop from the 30th floor, but not the 31st. You can break both Xboxes in your search. State the worst case number of drops needed and explain how you arrived at that answer.




问题是这样的,当我们每隔一层楼摔一次的话,那么要摔100 / 1 = 100次
当我们每隔两层楼摔一次的话,需要摔100 / 2 = 50次
当我们每隔三层楼摔一次的话,则需要100 / 3 + 1 = 34次
当我们每隔四层楼摔一次的话,则需要100 / 4 + 2 = 27次
由此可以得出公式:当我们每隔N层摔一次的话,需要100 / n + (n - 2)
这样问题就简单多了,变成了求 (100 + n * n - 2 * n) / n的最小值的问题。
得出n = 10,答案就是每10层楼一摔,摔坏了以后从没坏的那一层开始一层层摔起。。
最坏的时间是要用到100 / 10 + 8 = 18次
