
1. 共同点:
the two structures are both sequences that are composed of multiple sequential elements that can be accessed by position.

2. 不同点:
1.  an array has a limited number of operations, which commonly include those for array creation, reading a value from a specific element, and writing a value to a specific element.

The list, on the other hand, provides a large number of operations for working with the contents of the list.

2. the list can grow and shrink during execution as elements are added or removed while the size of an array cannot be changed after it has been created.

3. 适用范围
The array is best suited for problems requiring a sequence in which the maxi-
mum number of elements are known up front, whereas the list is the better choice
when the size of the sequence needs to change after it has been created.

The decision as to whether an array or list should be used is not limited to the size of the sequence structure. It also depends on how it will be used.
