

RVM(Ruby Version Manager): is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.



gems:At its most basic form, a Ruby gem is a package. It contains the necessary files and information for being installed on the system. Quoting RubyGems , ?a gem is a packaged Ruby application or library. It has a name (e.g. rake) and a version (e.g. 0.4.16)?.


RubyGems: It is a package manager which became part of the standard library in Ruby 1.9. It allows developers to search, install and build gems, among other features. All of this is done by using the gemcommand-line utility. You can find its website at rubygems.org .


bundle:We designed bundler to make it easy to share your code across a number of development, staging and production machines. Of course, you know how to share your own application or gem: stick it on GitHub and clone it where you need it. Bundler makes it easy to make sure that your application has the dependencies it needs to start up and run without errors.

bundle 相当于多个RubyGems批处理运行。在配置文件gemfilel里说明你的应用依赖哪些第三方包,他自动帮你下载安装多个包,并且会下载这些包依赖的包。


git:Git is an extremely fast, efficient, distributed version control system ideal for the collaborative development of software.分布式版本控制 /软件配置管理 软件。

github:GitHub is the best way to collaborate with others. Fork, send pull requests and manage all your public  and private  git repositories.


Rakefile : In a gem’s context, the Rakefile  is extremely useful. It can hold various tasks to help building, testing and debugging your gem, among all other things that you might find useful.

Rake:Rake包括了Rakefile,用于创建和执行某些任务。比如执行测试,比如创建 一个修改数据库的批处理任务。


1.安装RVM :bash < <(curl -s )

2.用RVM安装出一个或多个Ruby环境:$   rvm install 1.9.2

3.用RVM指出现在使用哪个版本的Ruby环境: $   rvm use 1.9.2
4.用gem安装rails  $   gem install rails (gem是ruby的内置的)
5. 安装后的rails,以一组gems的形式,存储在RVM1.9.2的环境仓库里。
6.用安装的rails,生成你自己的应用。  work>   rails new demo
7.用rake,生成rails的API文档, >  rake doc:rails
10.用rake执行 生成、修改数据库,执行测试等要多次执行的任务。
